Bishop Hill

GLOBE and Grantham

GLOBE International has just issued a report on climate change legislation around the world. Rather dull stuff.
Interesting to see, however, that the report is co-produced by the Grantham Institute.
Does anyone else find it disturbing to see legislators and environmentalists working hand-in-hand like this?
Reader Comments (21)
Mafia, pure and simple.
Alistair has hit the nail on the head, AGW is a massive organised protection racket
It's just anti-democratic corruption.
Western Governments have fu**ed up half the world’s economies and this is just another cock up lining the pockets of an ever growing number of hangers on.
Sorry do i sound pissed off.
And they accuse us of conspiracy!
Anti-Democratic plain and simple. History is littered with insurrections caused by this type of behavior. Just how long will it be before the peoples of Europe wake up? This is the sort of stuff we accused the old eastern block and latterly the middle east of doing.
Prospectus for the various eco-funds offered by GMO asset management should be included in the same Globe/Grantham report to save on printing costs. It seems wasteful to have two separate documents to hand to investors during sales calls.
President of Globe International - John effing Gummer !!!! That tells me all I need to know.
Jesus wept - he was a waste of space as a minister, now he's just a waste of space. (full stop)
It seems to be everywhere. The BBC ran this story:
"The Carbon Trust research, posted on its website as draft findings not for circulation, confirms that the UK has increased emissions since 1990 rather than decreasing them, as politicians typically claim."
The Carbon Trust being a quango funded by DECC, DBIS and from the CCL and ROCs. It's also diversified into building and operating it's own wind turbines. It's hardly likely to say there's less of a problem. The BBC also quotes
"A UK think tank, the Public Interest Research Centre (Pirc), has been discovering how uncomfortable this issue is proving for rich nations."
Pirc shouldn't be confused with the other PIRC. One of Pirc's largest funders is The Network for Social Change who're part of the "Stop Climate Chaos" movement, and also fund good old CACC. PIRC works for greater transparency, Pirc lists it's major funders, The Network does not. The Network does fund an interestingly named "Climate Outreach and Information Network" who's aims and accounts are listed here:
And who funds them? Well, we do again. £278k out of their £378k income came from DEFRA. COIN also lists good old CACC as a client. It's all very incestuous and often at the top of the list of donors is the taxpayer. It's one way to create a astroturf movement though and make sure the correct policy suggestions are trickled down.
Crooks and fraudsters the lot.
One of the GLOBE production supporters are Zennström Philanthropies?
The organisation's founder is Niklas Zennström who is famous for founding several high-profile online ventures including Skype and Kazaa and making pots of money in the process.
Zennström Philanthropies direct their charitable efforts in the fields of climate change, human rights and social entrepreneurship. Niklas Zennström is specifically engaged in combating climate change and improving the state of the Baltic Sea.
It seems Niklas is a very busy man making pots of money whilst trying to save the planet, but not that busy to devote a good part of his time to his favourite hobby - millionaire yacht racing and hob-nobbing with royalty.
It transpires that Niklas likes nothing better than travelling to some of the most exclusive and luxurious places on the planet whilst splashing about in £1,000,000+ boats alongside the likes of the Kings of Spain and Norway.
It appears that when it comes to taking action on climate change, as ever with most things in life, our elected politicians have determined that there is one rule for the rich and another one for the rest of us.
George Marshall, Climate Utreach INofrmation Network( COIN), Rising tide and also on the advisory board of the Campaign Against Climate change
and his blog all about climatedenial.
What a small group of people, the green social network has achieved, is quite amazing?!
Everyone's at it. Again from the Grauniad
"Penny Shepherd, chief executive of UKSIF, the UK's leading organisation representing financiers specialising in green investments, warned that the chancellor, George Osborne, had not lived up to his promise of "greening" the Treasury."
Green investors wanting more taxpayer's money shocker. I think she meant emptying the Treasury.
It is now disturbingly common to find the taxpayer unwittingly giving funds to pressure groups so that they can use that money to lobby the government to take money off the taxpayer. It's so simple, it's beautiful.
Didn't the last government rope in Greenpeace to write its Climate Change Act for it?
Credits to DR in the unthreaded for this detailed commentary on GLOBE last Saturday in the Telegraph
This is a very revealing document. Clealry the GLOBE strategy is to achieve its aims primarily via domestic legislation in compliant states rather than through international agreements. The notable failure, so far, is the USA. In the UK it appears to have gained all that it could have wished for through the Climate Change Act and other prior legislation.
On this evidence I conclude that the UK is doomed economically because it has saddled itself with uneconomic energy costs and prices. It will make no sense for an energy intensive industry to locate in the UK - or for that matter one than needs to be able to rely on reliable, continuous sources of energy. Because all of this is now effectively embodied in legislation supported by the three main political parties, it is difficult to see how it can be reversed unless a new new anti-AGW grouping is formed and wins Parliamentary influence.
This is kinda on-topic.
Pat Kane (great Scottish singer and thinker, albeit it with a Green shade) is very active on FB.
He posted this link earlier today entitled 'Scotching the baseload myth' to a Friends of the Earth Scotland site: http://www.foe-scotland.org.uk/power-explained
It's the usual 'renewables will save us!' nonsense.
I felt compelled to post a comment on his Facebook page, and thought that I'd take the time to explain the wider picture to his large readership. It also provided me a good opportunity to summarise where my thinking is at after a few years of following this AGW thing.
Improvements glady accepted! :-)
'Burning fossil fuels releases CO2, which is causing climate change: more frequent storms and floods, droughts and famines, sea level rise'.
The first five words are fact, the remainder are unproven assertations based on increasingly exposed AGW pseudo-science that have lead to developing world starvation (food-growing land converted for fuel use driving up staples prices which the EU now admits is poor policy), keeps Africa dependent on handouts 'cos they can't grow their economies because of lack of affordable energy and our kids being eco-brainwashed at school being told WHAT to to think rather than HOW to think.
C'mon Pat, we're sitting on hundreds of years of cheap coal (ie. jobs) in Scotland, which when burned 'cleanly' produces plantfood (CO2) for a flourishing biosphere (remember all those massive plant-eating dinosours feasting on lush vegetation at much higher CO2 levels?).
I agree that renewables will get there at some point but they're currently too inefficient and uneconomic. Did I mention the battalions of companies presently fleeing California because of massive increases in energy costs due to their renewables policy? It's pretty hard to support vital public sector services with no private sector tax revenues.
AGW is a scam, ignored by India and China, that lines the pockets of banks, energy companies, NGOs and goverments whilst satisfying the control-freakery of reconstructed Marxists who found a new home in the Greens when the Berlin wall fell.
To quote Michael Crichton - 'Environmentalism is religion for urban atheists'.
If the Grantham Institute is co-producing this crap, how's poor Bob "Attack Chihuahua" Ward supposed to finish his paleo-piezometry PhD?
Poor bloke must be run off his feet.
He'll have even less time to knock out his "reviews" of "discredited" sceptical books. He didn't have time to read them before regurgitating his venomous nonsense, as it was.
Having obscure discussions, arguing the toss - over the non-event and bad science of AGW is frankly an utter waste of breath, most Britons and for that matter Americans and Germans, know it is a crock.
Although this does not stop the work going on in schools and the work place, in newspapers and on the beeb - headlines still scream: CLIMATE CATASTROPHE, ONLY TEN MINUTES TO SAVE THE POLAR BEARS AND EARTH!
Logical and rigorous discussion is a waste, the goalposts are changed daily [post normal ruse and feint] and the whilst the goal of world government remains the same, the agenda [though halted in Copenhagen] carries on regardless of the science [plus the science is settled, 97% of 75 climatologists say so].
There is much at stake here and many already very rich men [Grantham] are making pots and pots out of the rush to a SUSTAINABLE FUTURE whatever this may entail but know one thing: it all falls flat on it's face if the cash cows [us] are not being milked.
From global warming coordinators and recycling officers in your local councils, to funding for green peace advocates staying in Hotels in Cancun [all of it gratis], funded directly by EU funding or through back government channels. All in all, whichever way it is paid for the final demand finds it's way to the householder and taxpayers of Britain.
Most of these eco warriors, AGW shills, including our council nerds, government departments Defra, DE+CC and corporate big business - have forgotten what the argument was all about in the first place, the AGW bandwagon has gone on world tour and there is no turning back, meanwhile clever hedge fund geeks make a pile off the seemingly uncaring taxpayer's backs.
The only way to stop this taxpayer bleeding tap, is to turn it off at the source, the stop cock. Immediately the bottom would fall out of this massive scam, private investors would catch a cold and the whole rickety edifice [built on foundations made up of layer upon layer of lies and or computer modelling] would crumble into dust. To call a halt would need cool calm and strong political will [Britain can stop this] BUT: whilst our weedy dummies are in thrall to the EU there is no chance of that happening.