Another HSI sighting

The Hockey Stick Illusion is cited in a forthcoming book chapter by Seth Roberts.
Nowadays blogs show the innovative power of free time. There are millions of bloggers; almost none make a significant amount of money. This leaves them free to say whatever they want. In Italy, the blogger Beppe Grillo has exerted substantial anti-corruption pressure on the government (Mueller, 2008). The Canadian blogger Steve McIntyre has had an enormous effect on the global debate about climate change. His requests for archived data led to Climategate. His examination of the famous hockey-stick graph led to its dismissal (Montford, 2010). He did this work during his free time.
The book is Roberts, S. (in press). How economics shaped human nature: A theory of human evolution. In S. Cai & N. Beltz (Eds.), Mind and Cognition. Beijing: Springer.
Reader Comments (3)
Andrew spoke to Simon Singh at the Spectator debate, so did I. Iasked whether he had seen the points the author of HSI had made about 'Hide the Decline' in his comments, or the ones that Paul Dennis had made. At he time he was in a rush to get away his wife was waiting..
But now no one else will see those comments.. as if they never happened.
Look like Simon Singh has turned comments OFF on his blog...
It appears to wipe away the interesting comments Paul Dennis and Andrew Montford had, in the comments of this post..
I wonder why Simon Singh has done this?
The previous paragraph is also well worth quoting:
Call me ignorant, but I didn't know that about Mendel and Wegener. Both fascinating examples in the history of science. McIntyre is being placed in good company.
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