Bishop Hill

Another book

A few people have asked if I am going to be writing another book. The answer is yes, and I have started work, but progress is painfully slow at the moment. Two chapters done before Christmas. It's a matter of being able to get the time to do it.
I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, I'm away for the weekend, so be good while I'm away.
Reader Comments (41)
I don't wanna be seen influencing the title and trajectory of your new book project, Your Grace, but how does Ryan O'Donnell and the Snowflakes of Fortune sound? Harry Potter sells more than Sherlock Holmes nowadays, if you're in it for the money.
Good news. We look forward to reading it. No hints on the subject?
Great news. I have read almost all the "Independent Minds" series. (Starting with HSI)
If I run out of material, I might have to return to living a "normal life"
This is seriously disturbing.
I'll hazard a guess and say 'political intrigue'.
Talking of which, does anyone know the whereabouts of Lord Oxburgh and Muir Russell? The other day it was rumored they were on a flight to Sydney and naturally (having a fertile imagination) I assumed they were heading south to shore-up BoM and the CSIRO before the temperature audit.
And now we have Australia's Chief Scientist resigning only half way through her contract.
Just trying to connect the dots.
Really looking forward to that new book - whatever the subject, I am certain to learn from it. So sign me up as a buyer.
Have a nice half-term, Your Grace.
Is it The Climategate Coverups ?
Which were, imo, worse than Climategate itself.
Phil Jones's Diary ?
Hi Bish it would be nice if you have a link put up where we could register for signed copies in advance of publication. I would be happy to pay up front if it helps.
This is worth a look:
He hammers away again at the misconception that a) there will be more violent weather events as a result of increased CO2 and b) the lie (I cannot think of a more polite description for it, I'm afraid) that extreme weather events are causing more deaths.
I'm not sure how often we have to keep showing the graph that shows the decline in weather-related mortality over the last century before the message actually gets through. It's not as if this was a scientific hypothesis where there is room for interpretation of the data.
My understanding is that the chielf scientist is resigning for personal and professional reasons.
The media reports state that her professional reasons were something about lack of action on the government plan to xxxxxxx
I meant to say that she is disappointed that the government are not doing more to curb Australian CO2 emissions.
Will the next chief scientist have a different view?
Pigs can fly.
Chief Australian scientists may not.
As an evil oil executive I have already placed an advance order with Amazon for 4 billion copies. You know, so the money goes under the radar.
Looks like the U.S. Republican party is registering its disagreement with the mainstream science.
They just voted to defund the IPCC and the EPA
romance novel ;) ?
Trolling for Trolls -- An in depth analysis of internet personality traits. :)
Don Pablo
There could be money in that. I'd read it...
Rog Tallbloke
Yes, very interesting but not being too familiar with US legislation machinery, I have no idea if this is the start of something or just protest. I have always believed that the ballot box will have the final say on the matter and believe the alarmists do too: many non-careers and utopian hopes dashed if this bill gets anywhere.
A title for the next book Bish, how about Paradise Lost?
I tell you we must create a different human kind.
One that can alter its temperature so it can live in any climate or weather.
And please?
Don't make em think, please.
A title for the next book Bish, how about Paradise Lost?
I prefer the option..Paradise Regained.
What a much happier place for all of us when scamsville CAGW is destroyed.
Peter Walsh
Mind you, we will then just have to wait for the next scare.
Armageddon anyone?
Peter Walsh
In re book title: As a Sherlockian, may I suggest, based on recent and not-quite-so-recent events:
.{small drumroll}
“The temptation to form premature theories upon insufficient data is the bane of our profession.".
That IPCC funding vote. All over the blogs. Nowhere in the MSM. Just like Climategate.
The printing press is the greatest weapon in the armoury of the modern commander. T E Lawrence
How about "The Whitewash Papers- Climategate and the Corruption of the Enquiry Process".
I hope the Bish doesn't mind, but we are jointly working on something with the provisional title
"Climate Change: a Marxist viewpoint including channeled contributions from Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky and Rosa Luxembourg, with an introduction by Peter Mandelson".
You mean the MSM is "hiding the decline" in funding?
MSM is the internet. For news the BBC is superfluous, they play catch up to the internet bloggs and they haven’t come to terms with it yet. Let them spin all they want it‘s their reputation going down the tube or is it plasma these days.
Why is it that when the Bishop heads off somewhere we have the most fun?
Oh, what that the Hell! Let's enjoy it and hope ZDB is snow bound in Truro with a broken internet!
It's kinda like when the park ranger is away the bears are free to rummage through the dumpsters.
Too true
'Hannan has written a post on his blog trying to explain why his speech became such a hit without any coverage in the mainstream media and he makes a good point about the way political communication is changing.
The answer is that political reporters no longer get to decide what's news. The days when a minister gave briefings to a dozen lobby correspondents, and thereby dictated the next day's headlines, are over. Now, a thousand bloggers decide for themselves what is interesting. If enough of them are tickled then, bingo, you're news.
Breaking the press monopoly is one thing. But the internet has also broken the political monopoly. Ten or even five years ago, when the minister for widgets put out a press release, the mere fact of his position guaranteed a measure of coverage. Nowadays, a politician must compel attention by virtue of what he is saying, not his position. It's all a bit unsettling for professional journalists and politicians. But it's good news for libertarians of every stripe.'
OT (sorry Bish!) but some big news at WUWT
How about "Something New Under the Sun: How Misuse of Science Can Now Cause Manic Paranoia and Civilizational Disruption."
Alternate Title: "How Misuse of Science Has Brought Us to Another Fascist Moment in Western Civilization."
Alternate Title: "The Career of Al Gore."
Another book, well next in the series:-
The Peer Review Illusion
or Putting Humpty together Again.
Martyn writes:
Another book, well next in the series:-
"The Peer Review Illusion"
How about this alternative title:
"Climategate and the Corruption of Scientists"
Peter Walsh
Good post at GWPF this morning on Nasa and why it should be concentrating on Space, as it is supposed to do. Also shows how GISS cooks the books on where temperatures are concerned.
Peter Walsh
It was Wizardry all over Ye Olde Merrye, and the sorcery had an East Anglian source. Spells, counterspells, invocations, incantations, tokens, treasures, ghosts and three dogs who didn't bark. They Who Can't Be Named. I don't see why JK herself couldn't make a tale of it. I've got a little pocket to put a penny in.
Suggested title: The Hockey Stick Collusion - Climategate II - The 3 wise monkey Whitewash
Actually Peter I was thinking more along the lines of
The Peer Review Illusion
Submissions, Reviewers and the Pressurised Journals