Bishop Hill

Quote of the day

Werner Krauss on reconciliation in the climate wars
It is hard to imagine how justice will ever be done to those hurt and overrun by those who are in charge of the IPCC process.
(Quote edited to correct English slightly)
Reader Comments (7)
Just a minor correction: This is a quote from a post of Werner Kraus in the Klimazwiebel blog (which is hosted by von Storch). Both attended the Lisbon meeting.
The author is Werner Krauss not Hans van Storch. Klimazwiebel is a team blog.
Thanks fixed.
Those in charge of the IPCC process have their own agenda, which, as in all dictatorships, doesn't include fairness or justice.
I am heartened that I am not the only one noticing the national socialist tinge to the whole agenda.
I think WM Connolley has an article on this.
Well said that man.
Lots of time for Klimazwiebel, Werner Krauss, HvS and Eduardo Zorita.