I should have said "It's tough life when you are in a first class compartment of the gravy train, eating your dinner and drinking your wine, whilst glimpses of the peasants toiling away to feed their families and pay their taxes flash past the window."
I thought short sleeved shirt and tie died out in the 70's? Or is this a new British fashion to acknowledge the extreme tropical heat of summer due to climate change?
If you have time to kill when visiting the UEA you could always check out the 'creative writing' courses for which the establishment is famous. Could help with those particularly 'tricky' reports that just need a bit more 'interpretation' to get the 'right' conclusion.
Snerk! and most amusingly, Oxburgh can't even seem to get that simple schedule right - I believe one normally takes tea sometime between luncheon and supper...
C'mon chaps, Norwich is a nice city, with lots of good restaurants, a theatre, a twelth century cathedral, a castle and a football team owned by Delia Smith. Wash your mouths out with soap! Delia will be upset and rightly so!
Now if he'd held it in Ipswich he'd have claimed they'd spent a year on the report.
Then there was UEA's Monty Python portrayal. an unkind critic might see some parallels... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhDJxEPRDek from 2:40 the whitewash at 3:30 and the blogosphere at the end ?
Reader Comments (23)
Great one again.
It's tough life when you are in a first class compartment of the gravy train.
Coffee (twice!), Luncheon and Dinner, I think... :-)
I should have said "It's tough life when you are in a first class compartment of the gravy train, eating your dinner and drinking your wine, whilst glimpses of the peasants toiling away to feed their families and pay their taxes flash past the window."
Grade 4 was the longest 5 years of my life. Is that what Norwich is like?
I spent a week there one wednesday
45 hours in Norwich, thank goodness 1/3 of it was sleeping! Then they went to bed.
Medics have a slang acronym NFN.....
I thought short sleeved shirt and tie died out in the 70's? Or is this a new British fashion to acknowledge the extreme tropical heat of summer due to climate change?
If you have time to kill when visiting the UEA you could always check out the 'creative writing' courses for which the establishment is famous. Could help with those particularly 'tricky' reports that just need a bit more 'interpretation' to get the 'right' conclusion.
Snerk! and most amusingly, Oxburgh can't even seem to get that simple schedule right - I believe one normally takes tea sometime between luncheon and supper...
Well 45 hrs used to be the normal working week so I suppose they could have been mistaken and mixed 45 hrs = 5 days.
Except it was 45 consectutive hours not 45 working hrs.
As Marx once stated, "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana", Groucho Marx that is.
It would appear that Oxburgh was out for an extended Lunch in Norwich.
I wonder if bananas were involved?
Is Oxburgh the first actual person to become famous in his own lunch time?
Jerry,here you go http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/mar/22/lord-oxburgh-uea-inquiry
Always aiming for accuracy ;-)
Perhaps it was listening to Alan Partridge (see British humour) on the radio
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrats on your DT career Josh ^.^
Green Sand
Thanks for reminding me about NFN.
Norwich is about to be taken over by the GROLIES (Guardian readers of limited intelligence in ethnic skirts).
Introducing Oxburgh Rhubarb Cake. Note 'Treehugger's verdict.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
-- Groucho
Grouco is out on his own! ^.^
What do climate scientists use for bathroom reading?
Pee-reviewed literature
C'mon chaps, Norwich is a nice city, with lots of good restaurants, a theatre, a twelth century cathedral, a castle and a football team owned by Delia Smith. Wash your mouths out with soap! Delia will be upset and rightly so!
Now if he'd held it in Ipswich he'd have claimed they'd spent a year on the report.
Then there was UEA's Monty Python portrayal.
an unkind critic might see some parallels...
from 2:40
the whitewash at 3:30
and the blogosphere at the end ?