Bishop Hill

Ernst Georg Beck

Benny Peiser emails to inform me that Ernst Georg Beck has passed away. Beck was best known for his work questioning the Mauna Loa carbon dioxide measurements. There is an obituary attached below.
Reader Comments (8)
Amongst other good work, I learned from your attached message that he co-founded EIKE: Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie. It looks very worthwhile indeed.
Here is a machine-translation of part of their website, followed by the original text:
'EIKE (European Institute for Climate and Energy Association) is an association of a growing number of natural sciences, humanities, and economists, engineers, journalists and politicians that the assertion of a "man-made climate change" as a scientifically not justifiable and therefore as a fraud against the population . See EIKE consequently rejects any and all "climate policy" as an excuse to patronize the economy and population, and burdening the people with taxes.'
'EIKE (Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie eV) ist ein Zusammenschluss einer wachsenden Zahl von Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern, Ingenieuren, Publizisten und Politikern, die die Behauptung eines „menschengemachten Klimawandels“ als naturwissenschaftlich nicht begründbar und daher als Schwindel gegenüber der Bevölkerung ansehen.'
Pierre Gosselin picks up on some work published by EIKE, and illustrates it on his own website in English:
'All the climate catastrophe talk put out by Hansen, Jones, and now Dr. Gerhard Adrian, simply do not materialize when you take an honest look at the statistics.'
I have had Beck's: "180 YEARS OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 GAS ANALYSIS BY CHEMICAL METHODS" downloaded to my computer's hard disc for several years. If you have never read it, you are missing something imporetant. Energy and Environment, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2007.
He fought the good fight, he will be missed.
What Ernst Georg does deserve is a fair treatment of his E&E paper in the frame of AR5. Perhaps if IAC review recommandations get implemented... who knows !
All open minded commentators and reviewers to AR5 should check & ensure his work be considered.
Found a link to Bish's Enclosure (h/t, header:
Ernst Georg Beck died this week after a long battle with IPCC
I was saddened to hear that Ernst-Georg Beck had died. In my talk at Imperial College in October 2009 I commented on the natural variability in CO2 as inferred from the data in Beck’s paper in Energy & Environment (Vol 18 No 2 2007 pp259-282). I pointed out that on an annual basis that the natural variability could be many times the current anthropogenic emission of the gas on the assumption that the Beck data represents something approaching a homogeneous atmospheric mix. I looked at the CO2 concentration peaks of 1820, 1855 and 1942. In the latter case the average annual change before and after the peak is of the order of 78 gigatons. This is about three times the current anthropogenic input of circa 26 gigatons per year. I further commented (only using a statistical argument) that with a run of data of less than 200 years it is likely that the natural variability is greater than the figure deduced from the 1942 peak and I would guess at current CO2 average levels the variability is likely to well exceed 100 gigatons per year. There is a lot more that follows from this brief statement but I thought it appropriate to indicate that Beck’s work will remain relevant in the discussion of the role of carbon dioxide in the earth’s system for some time to come.