iRomm – this app removes any hint of denier from your writing. nb this the upgrade from iRealclimate that has developed a tendency to let words like “Steve McIntyre” slip through the net.
iDenierdar – record your friends and family while you discuss Global Warming and this app will detect and hint of denier in their careless comments and facial expressions. nb not suitable for under fives as it incorrectly interprets bodily functions. Use in conjunction with:
iSceptic – use this app to out sceptics. Hold up screen forward to the offender and it will scream at him/her like Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
iHypocrite – this handy little app plays a selection of AGW friendly phrases that you can repeat, thus allowing you to emit as much CO2 as you want to. Remember CO2 is good CO2 if you use it to make others cut their CO2. The environment can tell the difference.
iRipoff – Hints and tips on how to start a AGW business. Top seller – clothes invisible to sceptics, 100% carbon free (by appointment to the Empooror ).
iMansion – once you’ve made your green millions, use this app to search for your perfect des res by the sea. This months specials, beach front in the Maldives and Greenland Icebergs.
Already "THEY" don't like (hate) the APP. THEY don't like criticism. THEY don't like to be told they are wrong. THEY only like scaremongering. THEY, above all, Don't like humour or sarcasm.
iSpy – record your neighbours’ carbon footprint and report them to the CO2 police for behaviour modification.
iiCaptain – book a cruise to see the World’s most distant calving glaciers. Impress your friends with how much you care about ice. All Antarctic cruises come with tonnes of CO2 Miles. Collect enough CO2 Miles and get a free flight to see Mount Kilimanjaro melt.
iCStatue – This app talks you through carving your own protest ice sculpture. Display on the summer day of your choice.
Josh: you seem to have caught these characters 'bang to rights'. Here in the UK we have been cursed by the appointment of a certain Minister by the name of Chris Huhne. He is a Mark One bonehead and now (heaven help us!) our Climate Minister, detirmined to send us back into the stone age with his crackpot notions of affordable energy production (wind farms and such like). I would love to see what you could make of him... I still wait anxiously to see what you might also make of the lovely Jo Nova. Tony
iCWeiner – plan your insane trip to the pole of your choice with this app. Disclaimer - we do not accept liability for any loss of extremity, no matter how attached you are to it.
There was an app for the iPhone that was for spying on people and businesses that allowed users to take pictures of offices with lights left on at night or anything that was deemed as wasting Co2, can't remember the name of it now.
iBlow. Harware upgrade adds fan. Useful when hiking and you see a wind turbine with it's blades hanging forlornly. Get those blades spinning again with iBlow!
For AGW promoters, iCon seems the most frequently used app in that menu. As to use of satire, I think it is perfectly legitimate and lawful as well as ethical to make loads of money ridiculing things. AGW is a large target, but Josh's ability would allow him to score excellent hits no matter how tiny his excellent efforts may reduce it to. Fire at will.
Talking of "science" of which one might entertain the odd suspish, here's a yarn about a recent enquiry.
Specially licenced by iPanic and designed to work in conjunction with iSmell, Dung productions now offers you iTrack and iStrike! iTrack links with iSmell to produce a map showing the exact location of of the offending warming alarmist. Using iStrike with this map is simplicity itself and just two touchscreen keystrokes launches a nano missile at the target. The nano missile carries three nano pods: First our well received and widely used nano surgeon pod (Brain surgery was never this easy). Second our well known molecular manufacturing pod. Finally our all new climate change pod.
The missile delivers its payload into the left ear of the warming alarmist (they are apparently more receptive to things coming from the left) Once inside the ear, the surgical pod is activated and safely moves itself and the other pods to one af the MANY unused parts of the alarmists brain. This portion of the brain is then vapourised (a slight headache may occur at this point) and reduced to very basic atoms and molecules. The manufacturing pod then quickly builds a tiny atmosphere processor (climate change device). Using the link we have created to the ear (The leftist ear) the temperature of the target's personal space is reduced by 10 degrees, convincing him/her that the world is cooling rapidly. The target's e-mail was salvaged from the vapourised section of the brain and can now be used to send him/her a free trial of iPanic.
Josh, Down here in the land down under we have an election happening. We have our first "lady" unelected PM, an red headed atheist who says she believes in AGW, or maybe it's climate change today, I haven't checked. An opposition leader who has said the Climate change is "crap". We produce something like .0025% of the worlds carbon emmisions and a group of boneheads calling them selves the Greens, reckon we should go back to living in caves and cooking on solar stoves to save the planet.
How about a cartoon of the total GHG emmissions as the Pacific ocean, man's contribution as a bucket and the pollies with an eyedropper saying " a 40% reduction means we only put 2 drops not 3 in the bucket, WE"LL SAVE THE PLANET YET"?
Reader Comments (37)
Simply brilliant Josh. The iCon is pure genius.
Here's some more
iRomm – this app removes any hint of denier from your writing. nb this the upgrade from iRealclimate that has developed a tendency to let words like “Steve McIntyre” slip through the net.
iDenierdar – record your friends and family while you discuss Global Warming and this app will detect and hint of denier in their careless comments and facial expressions. nb not suitable for under fives as it incorrectly interprets bodily functions. Use in conjunction with:
iSceptic – use this app to out sceptics. Hold up screen forward to the offender and it will scream at him/her like Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
iHypocrite – this handy little app plays a selection of AGW friendly phrases that you can repeat, thus allowing you to emit as much CO2 as you want to. Remember CO2 is good CO2 if you use it to make others cut their CO2. The environment can tell the difference.
iRipoff – Hints and tips on how to start a AGW business. Top seller – clothes invisible to sceptics, 100% carbon free (by appointment to the Empooror ).
iMansion – once you’ve made your green millions, use this app to search for your perfect des res by the sea. This months specials, beach front in the Maldives and Greenland Icebergs.
Cumbrian Lad says it in spades.
Already "THEY" don't like (hate) the APP. THEY don't like criticism. THEY don't like to be told they are wrong. THEY only like scaremongering. THEY, above all, Don't like humour or sarcasm.
Keep on hitting them, where THEY don't like it.
Below the "humour line" belt.
Peter Walsh. Proud to be a sceptic/skeptic
I am waiting for Steve Job's email to hit your inbox. :) He will NOT be amused.
However, remember in the US you can legally use a trademark in political satire or spoof --AS LONG AS IT IS NOT MONEY MAKING.
As for the UK, I don't know. I hope your server is not in the UK.
iClaudius: pretend to be an idiot until the "heat's off."
I've found it takes me no effort. Must mean something bad.
iClaudius, lovely. And thanks for the other comments and ideas. I wonder how hard it is to make a real app?
Possible extensions:
- iSpin (the Climate wheel from MIT, or anything you need)
- iCook (the books, + all recipes for spaghetti graphs)
- iEat (all inconvenient climate data, e-mails and attachments are fed to the dog)
- iWin (when it's hot hot HOT!)
A nice weekend to all!
iSpy – record your neighbours’ carbon footprint and report them to the CO2 police for behaviour modification.
iiCaptain – book a cruise to see the World’s most distant calving glaciers. Impress your friends with how much you care about ice. All Antarctic cruises come with tonnes of CO2 Miles. Collect enough CO2 Miles and get a free flight to see Mount Kilimanjaro melt.
iCStatue – This app talks you through carving your own protest ice sculpture. Display on the summer day of your choice.
you don't suppose Apple had trademarks on all the iWords? (Gasp) that might be one too.
Josh: you seem to have caught these characters 'bang to rights'. Here in the UK we have been cursed by the appointment of a certain Minister by the name of Chris Huhne. He is a Mark One bonehead and now (heaven help us!) our Climate Minister, detirmined to send us back into the stone age with his crackpot notions of affordable energy production (wind farms and such like). I would love to see what you could make of him...
I still wait anxiously to see what you might also make of the lovely Jo Nova.
iCWeiner – plan your insane trip to the pole of your choice with this app. Disclaimer - we do not accept liability for any loss of extremity, no matter how attached you are to it.
Damn, I can't stop.
wonderful Josh!
Very coool!
Let's not forget that Al Gore is or used to be on the board of Apple.
I'm sure he'd love the iNconvenient Truth in his pocket
Love it - Love it - Love it
Great stuff
Absolutely wonderful, Josh! How about adding:
iMann - when you care enough to blend the very best
There was an app for the iPhone that was for spying on people and businesses that allowed users to take pictures of offices with lights left on at night or anything that was deemed as wasting Co2, can't remember the name of it now.
iBlow. Harware upgrade adds fan. Useful when hiking and you see a wind turbine with it's blades hanging forlornly. Get those blades spinning again with iBlow!
(batteries not included)
For AGW promoters, iCon seems the most frequently used app in that menu.
As to use of satire, I think it is perfectly legitimate and lawful as well as ethical to make loads of money ridiculing things.
AGW is a large target, but Josh's ability would allow him to score excellent hits no matter how tiny his excellent efforts may reduce it to.
Fire at will.
Talking of "science" of which one might entertain the odd suspish, here's a yarn about a recent enquiry.
Absolutely brilliant, Josh! The thing is, are you sure that apps like these don't actually exist?
Grrrrrrrrrrrrats Josh, this is your best yet!
iSmell: Tells you when a warming alarmist is within 100 metres
Not forgetting iGrant, the app to make sure your grant applications have all the right weasel words.
David Chappell:
The iApp app? Dogs barking.
Specially licenced by iPanic and designed to work in conjunction with iSmell, Dung productions now offers you iTrack and iStrike!
iTrack links with iSmell to produce a map showing the exact location of of the offending warming alarmist.
Using iStrike with this map is simplicity itself and just two touchscreen keystrokes launches a nano missile at the target.
The nano missile carries three nano pods:
First our well received and widely used nano surgeon pod (Brain surgery was never this easy).
Second our well known molecular manufacturing pod.
Finally our all new climate change pod.
The missile delivers its payload into the left ear of the warming alarmist (they are apparently more receptive to things coming from the left)
Once inside the ear, the surgical pod is activated and safely moves itself and the other pods to one af the MANY unused parts of the alarmists brain. This portion of the brain is then vapourised (a slight headache may occur at this point) and reduced to very basic atoms and molecules.
The manufacturing pod then quickly builds a tiny atmosphere processor (climate change device).
Using the link we have created to the ear (The leftist ear) the temperature of the target's personal space is reduced by 10 degrees, convincing him/her that the world is cooling rapidly.
The target's e-mail was salvaged from the vapourised section of the brain and can now be used to send him/her a free trial of iPanic.
Apologies to Heath Robinson.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrats Josh, this is your best yet!
An understatement, Josh.
The best yet!
How about iHide - how to hide data, emails, declines, large cheques etc
You must pass this on to WUWT as well.
iHide - brilliant
The iPatch, the app for ignoring inconvenient data
...or FoI requests (though that would probably be better named the iNelson)
iCarus Hubris runaway
Lots of great spin offs here, and Heath Robinson would be proud ( which could be a good idea for a cartoon)
I nominate SJones for best fan suggestion, for his brilliant 'iHide' app.
The iDis app. Disinformation and Disrespect, obfuscation and swearing at its best, hints, tips and guides
A variant on the same theme.
Josh, Down here in the land down under we have an election happening. We have our first "lady" unelected PM, an red headed atheist who says she believes in AGW, or maybe it's climate change today, I haven't checked. An opposition leader who has said the Climate change is "crap". We produce something like .0025% of the worlds carbon emmisions and a group of boneheads calling them selves the Greens, reckon we should go back to living in caves and cooking on solar stoves to save the planet.
How about a cartoon of the total GHG emmissions as the Pacific ocean, man's contribution as a bucket and the pollies with an eyedropper saying " a 40% reduction means we only put 2 drops not 3 in the bucket, WE"LL SAVE THE PLANET YET"?
Great stuff.
But, Josh, you should really have run iSpell on the Warmista Cafe one. It's "recipes". Really.