Bishop Hill

The auditor crosses the pond

Steve McIntyre has just posted a comment at CA saying that he's now going to attend the Guardian debate. Paying his own way too.
Why not hit the tip jar at CA and help him defray the costs?
Reader Comments (20)
You see? It's those well-funded skeptics again.
off topic, but does anyone know how the Norfolk Constabulary are doing.
I've got a related FoI enquiring how many officers are currently assigned to the case.
As Steve will be in UK for nearly a week, should we suggest some ideas on how he could spend his time? He hasn't been here for a while.
Steve M has done yeoman's service and deserves a little down-time if he wants it, but I think this would also be a good opportunity to arrange a few speaking engagements and interviews.
And if Steve requires any assistance of any sort while in the UK, I am sure that he has merely to ask here, and many will assist?
Perhaps while he's over here, he might wish to attend this:
^^^Clowns Shoes! - same day as the Guardian thing... next!
I too have hit Steve's tip jar to help defray his costs of coming to England to attend the Guardian debate.
It's worth reflecting that without people like Steve's dedication and perserverence there quite possibly would have been no exposure of the hockey stick illusion at all. Possibly no climategate either.
Helping him is a worthy cause - I hope other BH lurkers agree.
Oh, Indeed, matthu!
This Guardian debate is not being helpful is it? Climate scientists just want to be Garboesque and left alone, especially, I should think, those doing public funded work! :-)
Which means that McIntyre will be over here with a ready made platform at the Guardian just after the Russell inquiry report hits the fan, assuming that it really is published on 7th July. Could be very interesting.
I am not cetral London (Warwickshire) but am willing to offer Steve a bed, food and transport if he needs it.
This poor old pensioner living on £'s in the € zone has dumped $50 in the jar. So come you guys and girls make it a trip to remember not just for the Grauniad but also for Steve
The saintly Mr. McIntyre although a lefty himself will be eaten alive. He may even end up supporing the AGW camp after the hard man of the left have finished with him. He should just stick to principal component analysis and not mix it up with the big boys.
Well - at least he will point out a few of the facts. Too many inquiries have proceeded without interviewing him ...
George S - despite many people's attempts to discredit Steve McIntyre he, and the questions he raises, are still there. I think you underestimate him.
'after the hard man (sic) of the left have finished with him'
Oh, that is funny, and I thought satire was dead.
He should visit The Tate Gallery, especially the Turner Wing where he can view The Burning of the Houses of Parliament.
Is English your second language George?
But seriously "hard"(ness) has nothing to do with intellect; well maybe not. Maybe somewhat inversely correlated. Climatologists are the dumb men of science; those not smart enough to do real science, you know, Chemistry , Physics, Genetics, etc etc. Major requirement to be a climatologist is extreme tolerance of the terminally boring.
Good idea, only dare $20 for now, hope to do more soon. I'd've liked to put a msg on the payment but didn't see a way to do it.