Bishop Hill

US outlet for the Hockey Stick Illusion

Stairway Press is now stocking the Hockey Stick Illusion in the USA.
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Stairway Press is now stocking the Hockey Stick Illusion in the USA.
Buy here.
Reader Comments (9)
Would you be offended if I bought this book off of Ebay? The Stairwaypress site is expensive and slow.
You buy it where you like! Just so long as you buy it! :-)
I canceled my order with Amazon when they were back-ordered for a month. Used the link on this web (bookdepository) for Non-UK readers. Great service! Less than a week and $14.56 delivered to Reno, Nevada, USA.
After two months (April 24 - June 24) I received The Book from Amazon. Congratulation Your Grace, it is THIRD PRINTING!
Got my copy via Amazon yesterday, after a longish wait. I have read 133 pages so far. The positive reviews were on target, and it really is a page-turner.
I hope the Stairway Press shopping cart is not too painful. It worked okay when I tested it.
Just so you know, when you place an order with us, we include free shipping and a free CD of supplementary reference material (essentially, public domain material collected on my PC's hard drive).
The book has been hard to get...I have them in stock and I'll ship them out right away.
If I don't sell them, I'm very afraid my wife will make me eat them.
Andrew, thanks for your excellent book “The Hockey Stick Illusion” which I am half-way through. It presents what could be considered as statistical shenanigans having the objective of producing evidence to support The (significant human-made global climate change) Hypothesis rather than identify the true underlying characteristics of the proxy data.
I have been looking at that other important “hockey stick”, the reconstructed atmospheric CO2 levels during the past, presented on Pages 13 and 14 of the Obama administration’s report "Global Climate Change Impacts on the United States” (Note 1). This was published in June 2009 in the lead-in to the UN’s COP15 fiasco in Copehagen and Jonathan Overpeck, who you referred to as one of the “ .. core members of the Hockey Team .. ” is named as one of the “author team” along with another, Ben Santer.
In December there was an article “The Other Hockey Schtick {CO2 Levels}” (Note 2) with a follow-up in January (Note 3). Both of these make reference to Professor Jaworowski’s papers challenging the validity of the reconstruction of CO2 levels from air in ice cores, including his 2007 paper “CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal Of Our Time”. I have been researching this issue for a while now, with particular interest in the preferential fractionation of CO2 within the firn and ice during its hundreds and thousands of years as the ice sheets build up. Supporters of The Hypothesis have frequently claimed that Jaworowski’s arguments have been refuted but all that I have seen is challenges and rejections, not convincing evidence that he is wrong. On the contrary I have found peer-reviewed evidence from supporters which suggests to me that Jaworowski has a valid argument due to the CO2 molecule being smaller than other gases such as O2, N2 and CH4. I also remain unconvinced about the manner in which measurements at Mauna Loa have been spliced onto the ice core re-constructions.
I have tried to discus this on blogs of various supporters of The Hypothesis such as Chris Colose’s, Joshua Halpern’s Rabett Run and most recently on Mike Kaulbars Greenery blog (Note 4) but get the expected response that Jaworowski is wrong and links to papers that appear to me not to substantiate such a claim. Are you aware of any attempt by any competent sceptical statistician to undertake a professional analysis (as McIntyre and McKittrick have done on Michael Mann’s MBH98) of the statistical manipulations that are undertaken to arrive at that CO2 hockey stick. My impression is that this is “Another Hockey Stick, Another Illusion”.
1) see
2) see
3) see
4) see
Best regards, Pete Ridley
Finally got my Amazon back-order and was well worth the wait. Completed reading in two days. I'm still shaking my head as how tolerant we are to bad behavior by a select few who represent an emerging "science". Too bad the MSM has not "properly" taken up the issue of really bad science the climatologists are conducting. We are condemned to suffer this nonsense for some time to come. Prior bad science never had such shattering political implications and impact to the populous. Most important to get it right.