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Seth Roberts again

Seth Roberts is discussing the Hockey Stick Illusion again. This time he's looking at how the best people are sometimes wrong.

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Off topic I know BP, but from the CACC emails a question to UKIP. The reply makes them look rational.

"Should nuclear power be part of our country's strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions? How soon can we bring new plants online?

Ukip's climate and energy policy is as follows:
Ukip would appoint a Royal Commission on "global warming" science and economics, under a High Court judge, with advocates on either side of the case, to examine and cross-examine the science and economics of "global warming" with all the evidential rigour of a court of law.
The remit of the Royal Commission would be to decide:
• Whether and to what degree the IPCC has exaggerated climate sensitivity to CO2 or other greenhouse gases;
• Whether and under what conditions, if any, the IPCC's imagined consequences of the present rate of atmospheric CO2 enrichment will be beneficial or harmful;
• Whether and under what conditions, if any, mitigation of "global warming" by reducing carbon emissions will be cheaper and more cost-effective than adaptation as, and if, necessary;
• Whether and under what conditions any emissions-trading scheme can make any appreciable difference to the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and whether and to what degree, if any, any such difference would affect global surface temperature.
Pending the report of the Royal Commission, Ukip would immediately:
• Repeal the Climate Change Act, and close the Climate Change Department;
• Halt all UK contributions to the IPCC and to the UN Framework Convention;
• Halt all UK contributions to any EU climate-change policy, including carbon trading;
• Freeze all grant aid for scientific research into "global warming".
In any event, Ukip would immediately:
• Commission enough fossil-fuelled and nuclear power stations to meet demand;
• Cease to subsidise wind farms, on environmental and economic grounds;
• Cease to subsidise any environmental or "global-warming" pressure groups;
• Forbid public authorities to make any "global-warming"-related expenditure;
• Relate Met Office funding to the accuracy of its forecasts;
• Ban "global warming" propaganda, such as Gore's movie, in schools;
• Divert a proportion of the billions now wasted on the non-problem of "global warming" towards solving the world's real environmental problems.
Ukip has been calling for a rational, balanced approach to the climate debate since 2008, when extensive manipulation of scientific data first became clear. There must be an immediate halt to needless expenditure on the basis of a now-disproven hypothesis. Given our unprecedented national debt crisis, not a penny must be wasted, not a single job lost to satisfy vociferous but misguided campaigners, often led by ill-informed media celebrities, profiteering big businesses, insurance interests and banks. The correct policy approach to the non-problem of "global warming" is to have the courage to do nothing."

Apr 28, 2010 at 10:41 AM | Unregistered Commentergeronimo

The only clear evidence was that hockey stick — and that’s a statistical artifact.

I like that quote...

Apr 28, 2010 at 12:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterKevin

I have just been watching the film 'Arlington Road' (bear with me for a mo!). It's about a group of ruthless terrorists who manipulate an innocent and well-intentioned citizen (Jeff Bridges) into unwittingly planting a massive bomb inside FBI headquarters whilst he thinks he is saving the FBI from said bomb. A neat political thriller/chiller - but what a great analogy for how Al Gore plus pals have misled much of the public: again they feel they are saving the world, but in reality ...

Apr 28, 2010 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterIan E

The only clear evidence was that hockey stick — and that’s a statistical artifact.

"ar·ti·fact also ar·te·fact (är“t…-f²kt”) n. 1. An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, a weapon, or an ornament of archaeological or historical interest."
[from American Heritage Dictionary]

Yeap, Kevin, I gotta agree.

Apr 28, 2010 at 3:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterDon Pablo de la Sierra


Apr 28, 2010 at 8:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterKevin

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