Bishop Hill

Airtime in the USA

Yesterday I did a long live interview for the Dennis Prager show, a syndicated radio programme broadcast from California. I think there is a podcast available. It seemed to go OK although as a sales pitch for my book I could have performed better. Dennis was kind enough to plug it several times.
Also a friendly review from Seth Roberts, who is Professor of Psychology at Qinghua University in Beijing and a successful blogger too.
If only I had a US publisher to enable me to take advantage!
Reader Comments (10)
Whoops - I inadvertently snipped someone's comment here. Humble apologies.
Making your book available to the great American public is simple and cheap -- put the book up on Amazon, and then have CreateSpace (Amazon's POD arm) print and ship them on demand. All you have to do is cash the checks.
I've done it and it works beautifully -- let me know if you need any tips.
You seem to have stirred up some nasties, you might want to respond to the outrageous commenter on Seth Roberts' blog that you are a liar ! Talk about projection...
I live In Quebec and I obtained your book from Amazon UK with little delay. I can attest that it is an excellent summary of the issues
Finally got a copy of your book from Amazon US. They must now have stock.
Kieth Kloor interviews Judith Curry.
Tried to buy your book on Amazon US but they said they were out of stock and that it had been back ordered. Are you selling well in the US?
Just received your book from I'm looking forward to reading it, although it'll be all review since I've following CA virtually from the beginning. :)
Ottawa, Canada
Sounds like you did fine.
When I first plugged my books on radio I was given lots of good advice - one piece of which is don't oversell: let the presenter do the plugs.
Don't fret.
Get another agent!
[BH adds: I'm trying!]