Bishop Hill

Top 100 on Amazon

I've just crept into the top 100 books on, number two in popular science behind Ben Goldacre. I'm also at number 428 on
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I've just crept into the top 100 books on, number two in popular science behind Ben Goldacre. I'm also at number 428 on
Reader Comments (39)
Can't wait for the next book.
A great comment from a reviewer on Amazon regarding Mann's efforts:
"farrago of mathematical and scientific nonsense"
Thats about it in a nutshell I think
Did the "Look Inside" feature just recently become available? I hadn't noticed it before. If so that might explain the surge in sales. Having recently finished the book I have to say that once you start reading it you find yourself hooked. Congratualations, it's an excellent work.
[BH adds: It's been there for a couple of weeks, so I don't think it's that. I assume it's the Prospect review, although the surge in the US is a surprise]
Well deserved. There is a real demand for good information in this area.
Delighted that my recent purchase helped to get you into the Top 100. But it really should be Top 10!
I suppose that there's no chance of Mike Mann producing a cover version :-)?
Excellent news! Well done.
Excellent. I see a new career for you. I hope you win some award. The writing is superb.
More power to your elbow, sir!
Is there any possibility the politicians will notice what the voters are reading?
Well deserved. Your book is world-class writing.
Your Bishopness: Have you found a US publisher?
Or is this from the British edition?
[BH adds: This is the UK edition. We are up for a decision from one of the big US publishers shortly]
Climate Audit shut-eyed denial will have helped, no?
[You're right of course, although I've been mentioned on CA before - I kind of took it for granted that CA readers know about the book already, but perhaps not.]
I 'opes you rot in 'ell. My Phil's a good boy, 'e is.
Well done.
Congratulations..! To quote Bob Dylan "The times they are a-changin".
Great book!
Bought my copy last night. I had it on my 'things to read' list for awhile, but the review in Prospect gave me the final push. Hope to get it on Monday.
Roll up, roll up! More dud "science". Read about Prostategate here:-
(Hat tip: In the Pipeline.)
I bought it, I read it.
I recommend.
Now loaned out to my brother - and electronics engineer - when I told him that a (mining) engineer had totally undermined the 'climate science' of AGW he ripped it out my hands...
Canucks: always forced to suck the hind teat.
And 50% higher than in the US!
Order now and we'll notify you via e-mail when we have an estimated delivery date for this item. It will ship separately. You can cancel at any time.
Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science - Andrew Montford
CDN$ 18.69 - Quantity: 1 - Not in stock; order now and we'll deliver when available
Condition: New
Sold by:, Inc.
Not bad for a non-fiction title.
But still some way to go before you overtake "The Hairy Bikers' Family Cookbook"
Is there any possibility the politicians will notice what the voters are reading? Don B.
Reminds me of a skit I saw the other day. It explains the way Whitehall works and who reads what papers in the UK.
The Hairy Bikers' Cookbook is nothing. It's the Highway Code that worries me.
Excellently done, that Bishop!
I'm sure this result will help in regard to an U.S>.publisher.
Now what are you going to write about in your next book????
"Delighted that my recent purchase helped to get you into the Top 100. But it really should be Top 10!"
It is! (No. 6 in the movers and shakers list)
Fantastic, well done - and richly deserved.
You deserve it - wonderful book.
Well done. It's 338 in US right now. Don't take it personally if it drops to the thousands again after a brief run, that often happens.
I bought a copy through Amazon (US) a couple of weeks ago and am still eagerly awaiting delivery. Very happy to boost sales of the book, enjoying lurking the blog daily.
Will the book be on kindle soon? I searched and it is not there. How about Google books?
Love your blog.
[BH adds: Walt, I'm hoping this will get tied up with a US deal, so the answer is "not yet"]
Congratulations yer Grace. I recomended your book for my Library. Will read it when they get it.
Well done!
"[BH adds: This is the UK edition. We are up for a decision from one of the big US publishers shortly]"
Your Eminence;
Prepare yourself for a book signing tour, TV talkshows, groupies and the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism.
No, really, I promise.
Well done and most deserved!
Marc Morano is plugging your book on as well.
You don't mean crept, you mean triumphantly entered. We all have to enter the new reality. Really well done.
My copy arrived from Amazon today. I will be reading it at leisure during a holiday in Majorca next month. That's the same Majorca where it's been snowing during the last week.
Congratulations on a well deserved success. The craftsmanship and artistry involved in bringing a technical story to the casual reader was exceptionally fluid and even more importantly entertaining.
People expect "me" to write nice things, but it was really well done.
I got my copy from Amazon Germany:
========= Verkaufsrang: Nr. 1.303 in Englische Bücher (Die Bestseller Englische Bücher)
Beliebt in diesen Kategorien:
Nr. 1 in Englische Bücher > Science > Earth Sciences > Environmental Science
Nr. 43 in Englische Bücher > Professional & Technical
So you are #1 in at least one category...
Congratulations - it is an amazing achievement to write a book at all and it must be very gratifying to have so many people read it.
I haven't read it yet - thought I would have my free review copy by now but it seems to have got lost in the post :-) However I did read the part available on the 'look inside' on amazon and it does seem rather well written.
The reviews on amazon seem to be all of the 'sceptic' persuasion mind you.