Bishop Hill

Channel Four on the Campbell resignation

Channel Four's website report on the resignation of Philip Campbell is here, with a mention for this site and some soundbites from Steve M.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Channel Four's website report on the resignation of Philip Campbell is here, with a mention for this site and some soundbites from Steve M.
Reader Comments (9)
According to Channel 4, there is a well-organised group of sceptics. And there I was, thinking that there was just a collection of sharp-eyed individuals who are hoping to see an even-handed and fact-based investigation. The paranoia is extraordinary, as witness the hysterical response to Anthony Watts' inclusion on the Times' Eureka best science blog list.
One hesitates to say this about a sometime Principal of the University of Glasgow, Bish, but is it conceivable that Sir Muir is an arse?
Today Philip Campbell says:
"I made the remarks in good faith on the basis of media reports of the leaks."
On 3rd December he said:
"If you look at the emails there is one or two bits of language that are jargon used between professionals that suggest something to outsiders that is wrong"
So did he look at the emails before 3rd December or didn't he?
Incidently 3rd December, two weeks after the leak was made public, was also the day on which Muir Russell was announced as the head of the inquiry.
Well done Mac and the Bishop for the scoop.
It must be great for Channel 4 to take the credit for the exclusive that prompted the resignation on air, but cover themselves on their web site grudgingly crediting this site whilst larding it with innuendo. How do you get to feel proud of a job like that?
I think they might be going over the top when they say the Bishop is sceptical of climate, but maybe this will help the general public to understand that at this level in the debate, the detail is important.
Thanks Andrew for your part in this. How lucky we are that such a wealth of sceptical blogs are developing. What a cozy little sheltered workshop this panel looks like being. I love the 11 day time span too. I am having a problem getting my head around this panel running at same time as the UK Parliament committee inquiry into CRU. Must be planned like this.
It's a Post Normal Inquiry.
If it's not bringing the tone down too much, I'd say they get their credit stealing ideas from Wilhelmina in "Ugly Betty".
Darn it Bishop. Twas you, prior to your more public publications, who alerted me first to the hypocrisy of the Science behind wind-generators when you revealed, that on windless days, energy was sucked off the National Grid to keep those blades turning.
Furthermore, one of your blog-responders informing us about the UK local authority who'd insisted that their token wind-mill be located in full view of the council HQ and made to fit the 9 to 5 oscillatory energetic come tempest or doldrums, made such an impression on me, that I went on to bore many with my prognostications!
To cut a long story short, thank you your excellency.