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Climate Resistance on catastrophism

The Climate Resistance blog has a brilliant analysis of the mess that climate catastrophists, particularly those at the Guardian, have got themselves into.

But now we see that WGII has – much as Adam has – credulously taken ‘the science’ from wherever it could be found to support the presupposition of catastrophe. The WGII report had taken it from Fred Pearce’s New Scientist article, via a WWF report. Adam had taken his headlines from the scariest of the hundreds of posters presented at the Copenhagen meeting that had worked from assumptions about ‘emissions scenarios’ – projections – towards catastrophic stories about possible outcomes. And he had used it to make a political argument for ‘action’, seemingly in the voice of ’science’. Science spoke with one voice to Adam last March. This February it is fractured, and Adam cannot make sense of it.


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Reader Comments (1)

Think it's time now to start questioning the origin of the SRES A2 scenario with an impossible 15 billion population in 2100 ...

Feb 10, 2010 at 10:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterHans Erren

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