Bishop Hill

HSI - big in Canada

Donna Laframboise's recommendation seems to have had an effect - the Hockey Stick Illusion seems to have leapt up the Amazon Canada chart - currently at 1270. Also another Canadian blog has picked it up here and given it a good plug.
Thanks again Donna.
Update on Dec 5, 2010 by
Bishop Hill

Just noticed that Donna needs cider. Please provide cider vouchers now.
Reader Comments (8)
Excellent news and well deserved.
I hope the income means that you can keep the family warm in this time of natural global cooling and lack of operating wind turbines. Here in the SW, there has been no wind for ages.
Bish, how many books sold to date?
5,500 ish. Good considering the MSM has largely ignored it.
That's great, but given the importance of your book, not enough. I'll be buying one for each of my family members.(~20).
Way to go, Bish :-)
Totally Off thread- The Mafia and Windfarms
Just listening to File on 4 on radio 4 about corruption in the EU. They might have as well said that the whole of the EU is corrupt but this is for another blog.
The important stuff in the first 10 minutes or so was how the Mafia has scooped the pool with the Grants for windfarmery.
Looks like we have the same scam but the money is scooped by otherwise legitamate business.
PS I bought one of the first copies and will buy more for Christmas.
Paul Maynard
Not very encouraging is it? The subject came up in comments here:
Although the thread is now fast falling astern you might find the post and comments worth a look before it disappears over the horizon...
My sister has come out on holiday to Thailand and brought a copy of THI out for me. I'm looking forward to getting stuck right in to it.
I've also bought a few ciders for Donna...