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La papa snowbound

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Reader Comments (54)


"One surely would have a streak of hope that catastrophe may not be just around the corner?"

You'd think so, wouldn't you? But the warmists are like old-time Bible-thumpers; we're headed for Hell in a handcart and anyone who says otherwise is a yellow-bellied varmint. The idea that they might be wrong, or even misguided, is not to be contemplated.

Dec 4, 2010 at 1:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames P

What Vicky Pope needs is better forecasts than she provides to herself; in particular our WeatherAction long range winter forecast and more specifically our two - three days ahead warning that the end November snow and ice in Britain would be much more severe than Met Office short range models would say - see

The Met Office are now nervously trying to say more than usual and as normal they try to pass off descriptions of current events mixed with a stack of "maybe"s (remember every "maybe" is also a "maybe not"!) as forecasts.

Their MODELS cannot tell anything useful beyond a week or so and we (WeatherAction) can now see when they will go wrong under the most important circumstances just two days ahead.

It is interesting that their new "maybe cold will carry on past Christmas" suggestion appeared only AFTER our WeatherAction Long Range forecast of a long cruel hell-to-freeze-over winter with few milder breaks. Perhaps Vicky Pope read our forecast on her iphone while she was stuck at the airport!

Have a look at MUST WATCH VIDEOs -

Frozen HELL WINTER forecast for Britain Ireland + Europe
November Review & where latest WeatherAction advances came from -
ClimateWars Make Mexico the last UN CO2 junket!

FULL DETAILED LONG RANGE WeatherAction FORECASTS are available via:

Thanks, Piers Corbyn

Dec 4, 2010 at 9:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterPiers Corbyn

Its hot.. HOT.. I tell yer and I would have personally announced this to the world and all ye at CANCON [yes we CAN] if I were not stuck in the snow.

Dec 4, 2010 at 10:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterRichard

Yes Papal Bull indeed! Beware of the Bishop's of Rome and Hadley. Thank the lord for our good Bishop and his exposing the hypocracy of the established Church.
We are told, say farewell to the cold
Snow, lo and behold, will be rarer than gold
And if we continue our days in our wicked, wicked ways
We can only await our fiery fate.
Not so, says our Bishop, thou canst not conflate
That Carbon profusion produced a bladed protrusion
At the very end, of the temperature trend
‘Tis but the result of collusion - The Hockey Stick Illusion

Dec 4, 2010 at 11:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterRichard

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