Bishop Hill

Graun on best green books

Damian Carrington looks at best selling books on the environment. Apparently the top seller for 2010 was The Vanishing Face of Gaia, which shifted 5200 copies.
I did a double take since The Hockey Stick Illusion has sold slightly more than this, although I'm not sure we are comparing like with like - the 5200 figure may be UK-only and many of my sales have been to the US.
It will certainly be interesting to see whether I get a name-check in any of the "books of the year" articles that are coming our way.
Reader Comments (9)
As I read the Grauniad article, the figures appears to include only UK sales.
And possibly not even all of those -- from a comment there,
Dear Bishop,
I have been looking for an opportunity to pass a comment on everyon's favourite "news" paper, The Grauniad.
Many years ago, The Times of London was oft referred to as The THUNDERER.
I would like to give an optional name for The Grauniad..
With my usual deep respect to you and yours,
Peter Walsh
Slightly off topic, apologies. Today in the DT from 'Louise Gray' - 'Britain's famous salmon runs are in danger from ocean acidification caused by climate change''
On page 14 of the DT to-day ' A British photographer battled strong currents and a battering from his subjects to capture on film the BIGGEST SALMON MIGRATION for almost 100 years'.
Would you rather believe a lazy young woman who cuts & pastes rubbish from the WWF or a man who lay in the water 10hours a day to get his salmon info ?
This ocean acidification rubbish is more dangerous to the scaremongers than they realise. Or they'd shut up about it.
Matt Ridley is leading from the front ( Let's follow his fine example.
Toad - sorry, missed the link to Ridley's earlier piece:
Interesting comments on the Ridley article, (including from our old friend Hengist Mcstone, the uninvited bad fairy at the feast) and excellent replies from Ridley - a veritable dialogue, in other words. How very different from the habits of Damian at the Graun.
Dont worry Bishop. Darwin's On the Origin of Species was first published in 1859. In total, 1,250 copies were printed but after deducting presentation and review copies, and five for Stationers' Hall copyright, around 1,170 copies were available for sale. However, it took off in later editions (Wiki)
Donna Laframboise is doing her part to increase sales of THSI:
Why I’m Giving ‘The Hockey Stick Illusion’ for Christmas
And, of course, she also gave it a good review :-)
Christopher Booker's in there, he's supported alongside the Eden Project author, Al Gore, and James Lovelock. All the more reason that Your Eminence should be there too.