Bishop Hill

Climate skeptic shop

Slightly late for Christmas, but once you get the urge to start spending in the new year, Michael Cejnar's Climate Skeptic Shop looks like the perfect place to get equipped with the look of the moment.
Reader Comments (13)
As addresses are easy to come by, I could buy some shirts, hats and mugs, and have them sent to, lets say, Mann, Jones, Briffa or Trenberth?
Too much fun....
Michael Cejnar says
I would prefer products with the "Sceptic" rather than the "Skeptic".
Scam denier? Could we have some translated into English English please?
$56 for a polo shirt? I thought it was AGW loons who are supposed to be gullible!
All I want for Christmas is a white lab coat with Josh's table cartoon printed on the back.
I can't buy stuff there, I'm denier, not a wussy skeptic.
Aarrgghh - it's in $$$ ...
Well, I hit the tip jar instead ...
Merry Christmas, Bish, and all posters here!
All we need is the Broadway musical and the cycle will be complete. We get a basso profundo to sing the part of Mike Mann, with the UEA chorus. The plot starts will the Evil Weather Wizards threatening the happy citizens of the little village of Bishop Hill, Scotland with no more snow at Christmas, and hot, dry summers if they don't turn over half of their food, money, cattle and children to the Evil Weather Wizards.
I leave the rest to you, my fellow readers, to create. All I ask is remember Spiderman and not to use too may acrobatics -- can't have the actors falling on the audience. It is bad showmanship.
Merry Christmas, and or seasons greetings.
Don Pablo
Yeah, where do the deniers go shopping?
From an over-the-pond lurker, you could try here:
This stuff has been available for about a year and half the royalties to to support Joe D'Aleo's efforts at anti-AGW information/education at ICECAP.
Have a look. There is also a link on the ICECAP website (bottom right) to a rotating gallery. Mugs, bumperstickers, frige magnets etc.
Many thanks to Bishop Hill for the post and the feedback - It's good to see sceptics being sceptic not just of AGW. If I may borrow Bishop's forum to explain our effort....
I started this shop because, while I believe sceptic blogs are absolutely critical, they tend to be a forum largely for the like of me - the already sceptical. The vast majority of the public are simply not interested. Furthermore, the sceptics are being dehumanized and are almost invisible in society - I don't recall ever meeting a sceptic at a party or on the train. Therefore, I believe there is a place for spreading the message in the street to the disinterested and showing we exist and are normal people, and this shop is my and my colleague's modest contribution.
Almost all of the income to this business will go to sceptic websites in the form of deductible business expenses as advertising fees and commissions.
I want the merchandise to be wearable every day to spread the message. I have little opportunity to wear $10 T-shirts in my normal day, and as I suspect other sceptics also tend to be older, more professional than greenie activists, I chose higher quality, more expensive merchandise. The margin is about 30% and as mentioned above almost all of this will go in costs to sceptic websites.
We will rely heavily on feedback - I see that some sceptics want cheaper shirts, and hopefully intend to wear them regularly rather than keep them in a cupboard, so we will add a simple cotton shirt ASAP.
We will also add bumper stickers and other promotional material. In Australia we have a Carbon Tax being introduced, and we will have "No Carbon Tax" material soon.
As for the spelling "Skeptic", we do have an eye on the US market, and frankly, I thought it just looked nicer in the logo - "Sceptic" looks a bit like "Septic" to me.
Finally, thanks to Suzannah from Canada. We will post links to other shops with sceptic material, so if anyone has more - let us know.
If others have any other comments or suggestions, we would love to hear them.
Marry Christmas to all.
Here's lots of bumper stickers for climate sceptics that I designed. Michael Cejnar please feel free to grab any or all for your own website. All I want after all is to spread the word.
Thanks Lucy, I will have a look.
Great site - lots of good reference, with your permission, I will link.