Bishop Hill

Mann in Britannica

Michael Mann is interviewed for the Britannica blog.
The ordeal has nonetheless emboldened the climate change denial industry, including some members of the U.S. Congress, who are disingenuously exploiting the manufactured e-mail scandal to thwart efforts to pass meaningful climate change legislation.
Yawn. Wake me up when he's finished.
Reader Comments (13)
Oh the irony
Hard copy 'Britannica' once sold door to door by down and out salesmen.
All we need to extend the Green River Ordinance to include solicitation by climate fascists.
Pre-emptive strikes I fear to bolster his authenticity as a respected scientist before being pulled before a congressional hearing to explain how someone of limited experience and age (10 years ago) could provide such required expertise to be included in the IPCC structure and influence world politics.
If Mann is so boring, why do you keep linking to his name whenever it appears?
[BH: It is my duty to keep my readers informed!]
The needle is sruck in the groove. Yawn indeed. He has a persecution complex. Anyone know a cure?
OK, enough is enough. Pease put your hands up if you are taking payments from "the climate change denial industry". Right, off you go, the rest of you carry on here.
Undoubtedly, the dramatic heat and extreme weather events of this past summer has probably recaptured the public’s awareness of the changes that are taking place...
It's hard to know where to begin with a sentence like that.
" manufactured e-mail scandal " --interesting choice of words , given his manufacturing abilities.
Ah yes, "manufactured", following the established Mann-made scientific methodology. Select only emails that fit the narrative, infill any missing emails by averaging text from adjacent emails, adjust emails by a complex algorithms which are withheld from scrutiny, then ensure that the resulting manufactured emails are peer reviewed by your friends, then claim your emails are endorsed by every known living person who can read. And anyone that has doubts it should be blown up.
Yes, quite so.
He is a Manniac for sure.
He is boring, like watching a cobra waiting to strike an innocent mouse is boring.
I was thinking more along the lines of it providing you another chance to further personalize the discussion while not actually requiring any substantive thought.
'I’ve had a huge amount of support from my colleagues, other scientists, and ordinary citizens who have come out of the woodwork'
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A legend in his own Anthropocene.
Interesting that his co-conspirators have so little to say, comparatively speaking. Looks a little like swinging in the wind...