Dellers is tops

More congratulations - this time to James Delingpole, who has won the Bastiat Award for online journalism, with his coverage of Climategate apparently a key factor in his victory. James' appears to have accepted the prize with his customary understatement.
Why does the Bastiat Prize matter so much? Because it’s about the only prize left which celebrates those true journalistic virtues of scepticism and inquiry which our libtard MSM [mainstream media] has all but abandoned in its eagerness to suck up to whichever bunch of statist shysters currently happen to be in power. It’s about free markets, about small government, about liberty
Reader Comments (37)
James D has a way with words and he takes no prisoners. His following grows by the day.
A well deserved accolade for James Delingpole - and as one of the posters commenting on his blog wrote, he's now peer-reviewed!
The prize is named after a crappy painter?
A propos, isn't peer review only about 50 years old?
If I had to predict anything about the world of 50 years hence that will be seriously different from today, I'd think it would be that "pal review" will have died a death.
Scientific practice seems to require scandals to make it change. Peer review was better than people like Cyril Burt making up his data, but we've seen with UEA that you can always find another stooge to make data you like, so peer review is broken.
Crichton's suggestion seems much more rational - one group of researchers poses a question or a hypothesis, another collects data, a third carries out the analysis, a fourth draws the conclusions, all stages are duplicated by blind parallel teams, and nobody has any contact with anyone else so the agenda can't override the science.
In the case of the Hockey Stick, putting some actual statisticians to work on it would have prevented it ever seeing the light of day.
A very deserving victory. Correct. Well earned. And received with all due humility.
I do wish James wouldn't be so mealy-mouthed. All this 'on the one hand this...on the other hand that' makes it difficult to know where he truly stands. Come out of the shadows James! Speak your mind in future.
And I need to have a blogger who is even more vicious than I feel at times - just so that I can point out that JD is even worse than I am.
A contraire mojo, Bastiat wasn't a crappy painter but a 19th century "classical liberal theorist, political economist, and member of the French assembly." According to Wikipedia no less. He's good on YouTube too.
As for Delingpole, the diffident words quoted by His Grace were penned from a New York hotel prior to learning he was the winner. A good deal of credit must go to Damian Thompson, editor of Telegraph blogs, whose charges have now won twice in a row - Daniel Hannan receiving the same gong last year. (Those interested in Lib Con media connections might be interested to note that Thompson, Delingpole, Michael Gove and Quentin Letts all cut their journalistic teeth under the legendary David Twiston Davies at the DT in the early nineties, an important overlap Quentin confirmed to me recently.) I'm sure Thompson won't mind me quoting from his own blog earlier today:
Some hope. Long may the rubbing in continue, until pernicious carbon-based money-making is completely rubbed out.
Well done to James "Hide the sublime" no chance. Stick him on the blogroll Bish.
Well done James! Thoroughly deserved and very welcome.
Fenbeagle, your email is not working. I wanted to congratulate you on a spiffing post on JD's blog but my emails just bounced back.
Nice to see you here too! More power to your excellent drawing elbow!
I'm just wondering now if condensation lowers or increases pressure ?
james should be the diplomat we send to the board of the BBC to handle our interests
Tea Party UK:
Thanks for the link Ted.
I took a look around the site whilst there and found this:
I forgot to mention it is UKIP TV's "Everything you need to know about Global Warming in the UK but were afraid to ask"
This must surely be a bit of a landmark video from a political party within the UK.
At the risk of being caught for spamming, here is the link again: http://www.ukip.tv/?p=1413
What a shame that Trevor Davies and his merry 'team' of warmist professors dis-invited James and Lord Monckton to that now infamous 'non-lunch' at CRU East Anglia !
Does the earlier post indicate that Josh and Fenbeagle might collaborate? What a prospect!
Well done JD, how is Monbiot taking the news?
The Bastiat Prize is awarded by the International Policy Network, a right wing think tank. Hardly where you would go for high standards of journalist objectivity. James Delingpole is to blog-journalism what Jerry Springer is to TV talk shows.
Mike, you're not "the Mike" are you? Your ill-disguised bitterness suggests that you may be.
Mike - clearly the folks behind the Bastiat have their leanings, but when the Nobel clowns are awarding prizes to the mendacious Gore and the amateur Obama one might as well acknowledge that there's no such thing as impartiality.
While I enjoy Delingpole's articles, he simply expands the limits of the right wing, cartoon lunacy that is climate scepticism. Monckton, Spencer, Heartland, Palin and so forth. The last thing we need is a British Anne Coulter or Rush Limbaughand the Telegraph think they have found one. I suspect Exxon sponsored Heartland to discredit opposition to carbon trading.
BP and Shell endorsed the Kyoto Protocol, Enron inserted carbon trading into it through Gore. These are the real champions of climate change.
International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
BP, Conoco Philips, Shell, E.ON, EDF , Gazprom, Barclays, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley.. Goldman Sachs.
Springer aired its 20 year celebration episode on October 27, 2010, which was filmed in Times Square in New York.
20 years on what might generously be describe as outreach.
E.Smith. Can I correct you on two points. One we DO need a British Coulter/Limbaugh.
Two, with the somewhat antiquated Geoffrey Lean as 'Environment Editor' -(sponsored by Shell) and the WWF's 'cut-n-paster' Louise Gray providing all the DAILY Telegraph's 'environment' news, you can hardly suggest that James get much support from the print edition.
However from Lord Tebbitt through to Lean and Riddell the DT Blogosphere offers a very much wider spectrum of views, alongside such sites as WUWT, EUReferendum and Bishop Hill. More power to all your elbows.
The all-night celebrations on both JD's and Damian Thompson's blog show that folk on both sides of the Atlantic revel in the opportunity to express themselves freely. I hope that the DT and others realise that this represents the future fror journalism
Its not bragging when you can back it up. "Muhammed ALI"
Well done james.
I am not an admirer but rather, I approve.
Delingpole wrote
"Because it’s about the only prize left which celebrates those true journalistic virtues of scepticism and inquiry which our libtard MSM has all but abandoned in its eagerness to suck up to whichever bunch of statist shysters currently happen to be in power. It’s about free markets, about small government, about liberty."
That is a cartoon character in the making. He works for the Torygraph - mainstream media. He is also 45 years old, not whatever his Torygraph picture implies. It will be another 30-40 years of dumbing down of the education system before Britain is ready for Coulter or Limbaugh.
E.Smith. and your point is ?
My general point is that the Telegraph put Delingpole in there to (once again) make the case against global warming look ridiculous by having raving right wing promoters. He is Alan B@stard's evil uncle, a preposterous caricature of a third rate public school boy desperate to maintain his marginal superiority. I knew a number of similar characters from Rugby school. They weren't all racist, peasant bashers.
I suppose he is also there as a warning that there even crazier people out there than Cameron and Osborne. I read a feature on Delingpole in which it turns out that he is a nice, placid 45 year old petit bourgeois author with 2.4 children who could easily read the Guardian. The blog is presumably an invented comic character based on his school days. Read this and see where it comes from
I do enjoy his global warming articles because they are clever and funny and I agree with them too.
E.Smith. The Telegraph did NOT put Delingpole 'in there to make the case against global warming'. The DAILY Telegraph's real views are presented by Lean and Gray, active promoters of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming myth.Only in the Sunday Telegraph is Booker allowed to redress the balance.
I know you were not happy at Rugby, so why are you extolling Rugby as first rate and decrying Malvern as third rate. I think both schools are excellent, though as you say, you were mixing with many who were 'racist peasant bashers'. I think Malvern tries to avoid that sort of boy.
You are repeating what I said. The Telegraph's real views are Lean and Gray's pro big business/ carbon trading/global warming material. Delingpole's articles are a caricature that make sceptics look ridiculous (as do Monckton, Palin and Heartland).
I don't go to Rugby. I met a number of ex Rugby students at university. I am a peasant (third class).
Delingpole at his best is devastating. This is a recent one
and BTW, Malvern CCF are much better at fullbore shooting.
What E Smith doesnt get is that Delingpole is one of the VERY FEW journalists that dares write about the corruption of science and how that has been achieved through Mann Made Global Warming. We dont need less people like this...we need MORE!
I do get it, but his apparent political views are way beyond the mainstream and his language is of the American, cartoon extreme right, like Ane Coultard. That makes him an overall liability whether we like him or not. Most people won't.
The word 'liberal' has its American meaning below, not its British one..
"Better that a thousand liberals die than that one Al Qaeda terrorist should be waterboarded"
"But obviously, I know that all the liberals reading this will know better. They will all be able to tell me, hands on heart, that they would happily have sacrificed both their own lives and those of their children for the unalienable right of murderous Al-Qaeda terrorists not to have any form of unpleasantness inflicted on them by Western authorities."
That is comedy, not politics. He thinks Cameron the 'Eton Grocer' is a lefty. He knew him at Oxford. Delingpole is a comedy writer. That is his job. Delingpole has created another comic, Flashman like alter ego which he has done before. I asume that's why the photograph in his blog isn't actually him (not today anyway). He certainly doesn't come across like that in real life interview. It's all fiction.
"James Delingpole has had the genius idea of reinventing the Flashman series through the concept of tapes left behind by Dock Coward, a war veteran with more than a few stories. "
P.S. Robin Cook revealed that Al Queda is a computer database of Islamic fighters contracted by the CIA.
"Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by Western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians"
E Smith
You are over-interpreting and killing the whole thing.
If Delingpole is caricatural, it is because he writes so penetratingly of the green condition, so that it is clearly visible to you and so in effect, what you find funny is all the green stuff - naked and made obvious.
That is an effect good writers can have.
I am not talking about the green stuff. The rest of his output is way, way off the political scale. It's deliberately Americanised, cartoon comedy. If I was a relative neutral on GW, like 95% of the population, I would dismiss him as a right wing nut job on the basis of his other material.
Anyone who uses the word 'libtard' in the Telegraph is NOT being serious.
Cameron and Delingpole photo at Oxford
Let me just add that I think the green material is brilliant and a million times better than Monbiot's dreary sophistry.
The difference between Delingpole and Coultard/Limbaugh is that he is capable of wit.
Published on Sunday, February 7, 2010 by The Independent/UK
Think-Tanks Take Oil Money and Use it to Fund Climate Deniers
by Jonathan Owen and Paul Bignell
An orchestrated campaign is being waged against climate change science to undermine public acceptance of man-made global warming, environment
experts claimed last night.
Free-market, anti-climate change think-tanks such as the Atlas Economic Research Foundation in the US and the International Policy Network in the UK have received grants totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds from the multinational energy company ExxonMobil. Both organisations have funded international seminars pulling together climate change deniers from across the globe