Bishop Hill

Judy C in Scientific American

There is a major profile of Judy Curry in Scientific American. Read it here.
Update on Oct 23, 2010 by
Bishop Hill

WUWT is reporting that the current issue of SciAm has more sceptic friendly coverage as well. They'll be reviewing The Hockey Stick Illusion next!
Reader Comments (52)
Following complaints Lemonick has recieved via backdoor channels from the climate science community, he wrote
- a blog post, explaining his position
- drew attention to a openly skewed poll questionnaire
- the magazine has now published an 'editorial'
- has published a list of global warming articles it has put out in the past
I was curious about JC comments in the article referring to the first order effects (excluding feedback) of doubling CO2? I thought that there was pretty much universal support that this would create a forcing of ~1.2 (plus minus 10%) - the big question being the effects of feedback? Unless I have misunderstood this then this appears to cast doubt on this?
I would interested if anyone can shed any light on these comments?
N.B. In my personnal opinion it is this fact (doubling of CO2 will cause a 1.2C forcing) which the media and the AGW brigade refer to when they continually maintain 99% of sciences agree? This of course is a neat "slight of hand" as this is not the question we need to answer. The real question being is AGW something that will cause such change in a relatively short period of time that we need to do something about it now.