Bishop Hill

More Bob bashing

In the wake of Delingpole's wading into Ward, Jo Nova has picked up on the LSE man's (ahem) critique of Bob Carter on ABC in Australia the other day.
Ward produces a file of typos and inanities so long, hardly anyone will read it. It allows him to make vague claims about “inaccurate data” and hidden in the fine print it turns out the inaccurate data was made by someone else, not Bob Carter, and when corrected, it doesn’t change the meaning of Carter’s message anyway.
Reader Comments (31)
I loved this comment from Jo Nova
Picasso-Brain-Syndrome (PBS)
The Picasso-Brain-Syndrome is when a cortex has all the semblance of “normal” in that especially Picasso style– two eyes, two ears, four higher degrees, and no continuity. Massive one sided funding has created an entirely predictable consensus, and it’s creating a mental implosion in some cerebrums — people are simply unable to cope with following the evidence against the opinion. Some people are born to follow authority. It’s a shame when it happens to professors.”
I begin to wonder if Bob Ward actually believes that he is the Grantham Institute for Climate Change.
It would explain a lot of the recent rants.
JN nails it here, IMO:
"[The] Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment .. would have little reason to exist if carbon dioxide were not 'perceived' to be a threat."
The warmists need Mencken's 'endless series of imaginary hobgoblins' to keep the populace alarmed. Without them, they would have to find alternative employment, or even finish their PhD's...
I was wondering If I should make a comment on the JN vs BW post, but on reflection decided it would be prudent not to.
Two extremist opinions, each opposing the other, do not make for a good basis for rational debate on a complex subject.
There are now 526 comments on James Delingpole's article "What on earth is Bob Ward?"
Ward has one defender, aphillips. Is Ward aphillips, Zbd and Bishop Phil perhaps?
Totally OT, I saw something about the Bish debating in Lon on Monday (18th October) on an earlier thread. Is this still going ahead?
[BH adds: It's a lecture, but I don't think it's open to the public]
Bob Ward criticises "Hockey Stick Illusion", sales of HSI go up. Go Bob go!
Do you think he gets a performance related bonus, if so, how would it work, and will he get one in time for christmas?
s he on a profit share for HSI sales?
Seems to be a couple hard core alarmists on Jo site (spatch being the main one).
But in their need to defend Mann Made Global Warming (tm) they do exactly what has made climate science the joke, their pontificate with certainty that they are right and anyone who opposes them is wrong. They even fail to see the irony in quoting Moonbat as a climate authority against those who are actually scientists :)
These alarmists continue down their track, completely failing to understand that there are VERY LARGE uncertainties in climate science and quote (or is that plagiarise??) endlessly those humans who echo their positions without regard to what they are actually saying.
Bob Ward urinates gasoline, so whatever fire he tries to put out, he only makes worse...
**pontificate with certainty that they are right and anyone who opposes them is wrong**
That's exactly what I found when I spent some time exchanging views on a Warmist forum. They exude a kind of moral certitude and self-righteousness, and seem to have an urgent, almost cult-level need to be proved right the whole time and never concede a single point against them. It was like being trapped on a charabanc full of Scientologists.
As are the people, so is the way their cause appears -- rigid, dismissive of and hostile towards outsiders, and arrogant.
HK, "Bob Ward urinates gasoline, so whatever fire he tries to put out, he only makes worse"
Is Bob sponsored by big oil?
Apologies for being way OT, but according to NewEnergyFocus (§ion=Policy):
"The Renewables Advisory Board (RAB) and Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) have today (October 14) become victims of the coalition's cuts to government-funded bodies, dubbed the ‘bonfire of the quangos'.
However, other key energy bodies such as Ofgem and the Committee on Climate Change have survived the cull."
Reverend Father, I have a terrible confession. I am sceptical of catastrophic global warming. Before I throw myself on your infinite mercy, would you grant me one last wish?
What is that, my son?
Please turn Bob Ward's mother-in-law into a ferocious sceptic.
That is even better than the old curse of "May all you teeth fall out but one so you can have a tooth ache."
Bob Ward has a mother-in-law! Wow, he doesn’t look the type.
Old Arab curse, "May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits"
Bob Ward does not seem to have many concerns about truth. This site is an american college offering qualifications in Climate Science, including (down the bottom) the "social and moral responsibilities of climatology". No point asking Bob, any one know what these are, and any climatologists demonstrating them?
Apologies for being way OT, but according to NewEnergyFocus (§ion=Policy):
"The Renewables Advisory Board (RAB) and Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) have today (October 14) become victims of the coalition's cuts to government-funded bodies, dubbed the ‘bonfire of the quangos'.
Yes, and on Wednesday, my imbecilic Lib-Dem led local council voted to spend £14m of OUR money on installing lots and lots of solar PV.
The motive? 'Tackling climate change'.
It blithely chirruped that the cost 'will not be borne by the council tax payer'.
No, it will be met by a gigantic subsidy from the Feed-in Tariff. Which is a levy on power companies. Who charge it right back to us by inflating our electricity bills.
And guess who gets it in the neck hardest? Low-income families and the elderly. What a bloody marvelous idea eh?
But solar PV in the UK is crap. Not enough sun, see? It will make not a scratch on global CO2 levels.
This is why I am going to have a big fat scotch tonight (oh make it several) and gloat over the long-overdue binning of these two worthless QUANGOs.
It's just a crying shame that it came too late to stop the b*****cks that has just happened here.
I've ben in touch with my MP about the immorality of the Feed-in Tariff, known as the Robin Hood effect because it takes from the poor and gives to the rich. He passes on to DECC, but so far no sense from them. Keep applying the pressure on your MP. Only immoral b*****s go for these FiT funded schemes, but there are many of them about.
The end of the beginning?
Bob Ward has a mother-in-law! Wow, he doesn’t look the type.
Well, then, his mother should do.
But solar PV in the UK is crap. Not enough sun, see? It will make not a scratch on global CO2 levels.
That's just not true. It will have an effect on CO2 levels, not a very big one, but it will increase them slightly. You see, making PV panels is extremely energy intensive.
I doubt any of these green measures do anything to decrease CO2 emissions when their totality is considered, and as that's their declared purpose they are utterly useless if not counter-productive.
Don't expect your local Lib-Dem council to worry about such matters as charging you to export your Carbon Footprint to China where they don't give a toss about Carbon Footprints, except in so far as it's a way to make money from the gullible.
@ cosmic
Who observes:
'It will have an effect on CO2 levels, not a very big one, but it will increase them slightly.'
True. That I could have allowed an error of this magnitude into the public domain is unforgivable. My position is untenable and I resign forthwith.
@ Philip Bratby
Good on you. I have done what I can here, up to and including getting the local MP involved, but the project was waved through. One councillor present at the debate describes 'the loud and persistent wall of rubbish from the green and Lib Dem lobby'. Byee, democracy.
@ Philip Bratby
You won't get any sense from DECC. Not with CH in charge of energy and CC. He who believes windfarms are 'competitive' generators and nuclear is eeeevil. We truly are living in the age of stupid. Just not Franny's version.
Oh I know all about the rubbish from DECC. I keep getting the same responses from them regardless of whatever futile policies they come up with that I point out to them. They must have a huge file dedicated to me (in triplicate no doubt). Still, the more I annoy them, the less time they have to do damage, I hope. Nothing has changed since Huhne took over from Miliband. I find it amazing that we have a change of government and yet nothing has changed - we've just replaced one team of the technically challenged with another team of the technically challenged.
By the way, has everybody watched the 23minute video about the futility of, and damage caused by, wind farms:| at
"solar PV in the UK is crap"
Even Monbiot agrees!
@ Philip Bratby
Not yet, no, but I have an excellent book called 'The Wind Farm Scam' by John Etherington. From the same publishers as the HSI, no less. Another good reference is David MacKay's 'Sustainable Energy - without the hot air'. Dr MacKay is not one to let uncertainties about the sign of different classes of aerosol feedbacks and the crude representations of cloud in GCMs question the consensus, but the book is about renewables and very useful all the same. It's available online, free, so have a look.
@ James P
Oh, I know. That's what makes it so hard to take. Selective blindness by Graun-reading Lib Dems in full effect here.
@ Mac
[re curses that might be visited on BW ...]
My favourite is the Yiddish curse, "You should grow like an onion with your head in the ground" ... oh, wait, considering we're talking about Bob Ward, that one already seems to be working!
@ Rick Bradford
Me, too! I had ventured onto one such blog shortly after the No Pressure boomerang, thinking that it might be possible to find some common ground ... alas, it turned out to be a A close encounter of the Orwellian kind
Just 'cos Red Robbo wrote a rant,
about the Holy book,
that's not a reason,
to label him a crook.
He hadn't read it, yup we know
but why should that just stop his flow?
He isn't paid for points of fact.
To do so would just get him sacked.
So hail to thee Mr Ward
a man who'll never bite his sword.
Let's get behind