Bishop Hill

Andrew Neil on gates

Andrew Neil is emerging as the voice of scepticism within the BBC. Twenty years or more after the global warming debate began, it's certainly nice to see one's opinions finally recognised as legitimate. He hits hard at the IPCC and has some nice words for the blogosphere too.
The bloggers, too easily dismissed in the past, have set the pace with some real scoops -- and some of the mainstream media is now rushing to catch up.
Reader Comments (8)
Mike Hulme was on the Today program this morning, along with Tony Juniper. John Hunphries I thought let them off quite lightly considering recent revelations although he did make things uneasy for them.
Have commented on this:
with a mention for you.
I have commented there in support of Andrew Neil. He needs all the support he can get.
BTW, the book has arrived and it is already eating into my time!
I actually thought that John Humphries displayed a surprising level of incredulity with the bizarre and misleading comments of Tony Juniper. I suspect that Andrew Neil may son have an ally in John Humphries - if fo no other reason than his BS detector must have been going off loudly when Juniper was talking. Mike Hulme was far more temperate in hos comments. The pressure is clearly on Pachauri to step down.
Interesting R4 snippet, even if it had my blood boiling when the retraction was presented as some sort of praiseworthy self-correction, when in fact they had to have their noses rubbed in it in public,
Interesting also that the Climategate emails are referred to as "leaked" and not "hacked" or "stolen", and that the IPCC Chairman should mow brace himself for the impact as the axle of the bus rumbles overhead; several opportunities to defend him were totally ignored.
Gonna be fun to watch them throw the train man under the bus...
Andrew Neil's blog is currently struggling:
Radio 3 interview with David King here:
He is convinced that scepticism is the result of activity by "the american lobby system".