Patchygate update

The momentum over Patchygate seems to be building and has now merged with the parallel furore over the IPCC's glacier story, with Richard North noting that the source of the original story about melting glaciers was a scientist who now works for Pachauri's TERI organisation.
Anthony Watts notes that Pachauri doesn't seem to separate his TERI and his IPCC roles in terms of his email communications either. Roger Pielke Jnr says the whole thing stinks. In the comments to Pielke Jnr's article, the economist Richard Tol makes the first of what is likely to be many calls for Pachauri to resign or be fired.
The furore has garnered huge attention in Pachauri's native India, with environment minister Ramesh claiming vindication of his argument that the IPCC was being alarmist. It's interesting too to read the author's observation that dodgy environmental claims about India seem to have been something of a theme of the past few years, with western governments and environmentalists using faulty evidence to try to push India around.
And Pachauri himself? He has just found another new role for himself, this time as romantic author (!), launching a novel entitled Return to Almora at what sounds like a suitably glittering occasion. I'm not joking by the way.
Reader Comments (9)
"Return to Almora, published by Rupa, marks the first foray into fiction for the economist, ecologist and environmentalist who has authored 23 books and several research articles."
Recent events suggest this is not his first foray into fiction.
You never know, fiction may turn out to be his strength
All he ever really wanted was enough money to allow him to devote himself to writing fiction... instead of speaking it.
"who has authored ... several research articles." How many's that?
(Also posted in EU Referendum)
Today 2 leading Indian newspapers simultaneously printed news unfavourable to Pachauri.
They admitted that "...climate science relating to India has been found to be fallacious or incorrect."
Both newspapers are the present government's mouthpieces. This is a clear indication that Pachauri will be abandoned when he becomes a liability. In fact, one junior minister has been put on the case. After all, Pachauri is only the tip. The iceberg will remain hidden.
The links are:
Delivery of my copy of your book has been pushed back into February by Amazon. What's all that about then?
Sounds like the trailer for a new movie: "The Perfect Storm: The AGW Front"
A movie I would pay to see, unlike so much of the crud coming out today.
I wonder if he will try his hand at Science Fiction? You know, something like Avatar where ruthless human beings take over a pristine world and change its environment by careless development of the resources, changing the weather patterns and destroying the native life..
Wait, I think he already wrote that, didn't he?
It is certainly inaccurate to characterize the Times of India and the Indian Express as 'government mouthpieces'.