Did NASA throw away data too?

The NASA emails are interesting, but I haven't noticed anything too scandalous, apart perhaps from this. After the initial furore over the discovery of the error in their temperature data, NASA bigwig James Hansen decides the correct response is to show that the impact of the correction is small. Unfortunately Makiko Sato, the scientist who maintains the temperature data tells him there's a problem:
On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 11:59 -0500, James Hansen wrote:Makiko, Reto,
r am being beseiged by these (see below), The appropriate response is to show the curves for U.S. and global temperatures before and after (before and after McIntyre's correction). Makiko doubts that this is possible because the earlier result has been "thrown away", We will never live this down if we give such a statement. It must be possible to reconstruct the "before" result. Unfortunately, this needs to be done soon, as there are various writers with deadlines this afternoon. I hope that is possible -- this should have a higher priority that the
calculation that we mentioned yesterday.Jim
By the way, I think that we should save the results of the analyses at least once per year, so we will have a record of how they change.
Oh goodness, not NASA too, I hear you cry. Surely they haven't been ditching data just like their colleagues at CRU? And it's all very well saying that results should be saved "at least once a year", but that's not much good after the bird has flown the coop.
Fortunately, Reto has better news...
From: Reto Ruedy
To: James Hansen
Cc: Makiko Sato, Reto Ruedy
Subject: Re: Fwd: FW: GISS - Truth driven vs agenda driven
Date: Frt 10 Aug 2007 13:09:56 -0400Jim,
Nothing was thrown out ~ I made the corresponding graphs.
Well that's a relief, but one can't help but wonder if they actually found their earlier results, or if they managed to reconstruct them from scratch.
Reader Comments (8)
...and the beat goes on.
The more that's revealed the more that It's obvious that all of the AGW core group are ready and capable of manipulating data by any methods necessary to ensure that their pet theory isn't endangered. Respect to Steve M for persevering and shining the bright light of scientific scepticism into the dark corners of their incestuous, peer-to-peer reviewed world.
There is an interesting addition less than 2 hours after Ruedy reassures Jim that the data wasn't thrown out and that he'd made the corresponding graphs:
Makiko Sato mails both Ruedy and Hanson to say that HE has made the graphs and uploaded them. he then asks them if they have any corrections or suggestions!
If Sato has made the graphs from the original data why say that?
Poor data management is revealed here certainly, but quite different from the discussion of wholesale data destruction at CRU.
Newly discovered email from J Hansen to S McKintyre:
Thank you for pointing out the error. Our rigorous QA procedures failed us on this isolated occurrence. You can be sure we have rigorous archiving procedures which include all data and codes.
I would like to point out to you that I have never described you as not having a light on upstairs, being an old contrarian full of malarkey or that you should crawl under a rock.
Thank you once a gain for pointing out the error. Be sure we will issue a corrigendum to the paper and will acknowledge your assistance in this matter.
Please feel free to ask for any of our data or codes as we are an open and transparent publicly-funded organisation and welcome independent verification and replication of our very important work.
With warmest regards,
James Hansen
Is there a typo in that email?
Shouldn't it really say:
"With warmist regards,
James Hansen"
Keith ;^)}
The NASA crew are up their own assholes.
They remind me of a bunch of teenagers who are drunk on their own egos and think they have discovered sex for the first time in human history, driving round in a pimped-up vauxhall nova with a huge boom-box.
Steve reminds me of their dad who was looking forward to a pleasant night in with their mum but instead has to drive across town and rescue their broken down wreck of a car.
They are not grateful for this - instead they get more and more resentful the more he tries to help.
It's turning into a Kevin and Perry film...
They may have lost old graphs. They reconstructed from old algorithms.
"Here's one we made earlier."