Bishop Hill

Should we believe anything the Met Office says?

Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:
- Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*
- Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation
- a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project
- a director of the Carbon Group
- Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK
He is also a member of the Green Alliance.
If we are supposed to reject the views of scientists, like Richard Lindzen, on the grounds that they have given speeches at thinktanks that have accepted money from oil interests, then I think its fair to say that we can safely discount anything said by the Met Office forthwith.
*This is per the source. It should actually read "Green Fiscal Commission".
Reader Comments (9)
I don't believe anything the Met Office says about the climate change. I don't believe their weather forecasts either unless I can see an accompanying synoptic chart to enable me to make my own interpretation. Since the Michael fish incident, they are usually very conservative in their forecasts.
What Phil said.
Also note that most warmists are funded by governments, one way or another. So....governments don't have a horse in this race? Uh-huh. So we should discount anything said by warmists too, perhaps!
Also, what is it with the WWF? Is there any tranzi project that they don't have their grubby fingers in? What's it all got to do with Wildlife, I would like to know.
Robert Napier's career reads like that of an accountant.
Does anyone knowq whether he has any scientific training?
The original exposure of Napier was my post in August
I hadn't seen that, Scientist for Truth.
Fatal flaw, you can't hide the cold and the snow. You can hide everything else, because most people don't pay attention that much. But freeze their junk, then they care.
Yeah, don't touch my junk.