Bishop Hill

Pedant's law

If this isn't a previously well-described law then it should be.
Whenever thou laughest at another's spelling or grammar, the spelling thou usest in doing so shall be found to be equally dodgy.
Take this, from the Independent, for example:
Thirteen out of 20 world class university websites analysed by Australian spelling software Spellr.us were found to have miss-spellings of the word ‘university’.
Despite representing one of the UK’s oldest and best educational institutions Cambridge’s website was found to have miss-spelled the word ‘service’ in one of its navigational bars.
Miss Spelling must be very upset.
Reader Comments (22)
Whilst I must concede that the use of the letter s rather than z is common in the UK and I am English myself, I still prefer the 'correct' spelling with a z.
Of course I would never use the American spelling analyze rather than analyse and please be careful not to use the spelling analize; I believe that is what bankers have done to the economy.
P.S. How does one spell Frenchified?
PPS Is P.S. a bit too pedantic?
I spend my days working with scientific texts, most of which use American spellings, so -ize.
That thought has occurred to me too.
Quite so. Somehow I've always had a resistance to spelling it with a "z"; "realise" seems altogether more gentle, so that's my preference despite authority relegating it to the "also" category.
I'll moan about "we'll do as best as we can" while I'm at it.
How about "least worst"? Excruciating.
I'm generally in favour of anything that differentiates us from the Americans anyway, although I have to admit that I enjoyed Bill Bryson's 'Mother Tongue'.
BTW, I think the Independent is only reporting what Private Eye has been posting clips about for years. Almost every issue contains a council or education advertisement with a spelling gaffe, usually in the word where you would want it least (so Murphy is also responsible). The Grauniad also still manages to live up to its name, spell-checkers notwithstanding!
I believe that true pedants should use z whenever possible but perhaps I'm showing my age although I must make it clear that I was not around during Webster's simplification.
I particularly liked "Hartman's Law of Prescriptivist Retaliation", which has a certain ring to it.