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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Mystery suppliers to the DCSF

I'm soldiering away at the DCSF suppliers, with some interesting results. For example, I'm coming across a series of "mystery suppliers": companies about whom there is no information on the internet beyond the company registration details. Here's a few:

  • Ann Berger Ltd £135k
  • Kate Daly Ltd £60k
  • Kevin Mcaleese Ltd £6k
  • M & E Lovett Ltd £80k
  • M&F Jaffrey Ltd £40k

I wonder what they do? Perhaps they are HMIEs? Who knows? Whatever it is, it looks like there could be quite a good living to be had.



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Reader Comments (2)

Chances are, they're self-employed contractors who have formed limited companies for tax purposes. They could be anything from accountants to IT consultants.

(Must visit specsavers. I thought for a moment that the first name on the list was Ann Summers.)

Jul 20, 2009 at 7:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterKevin B

They are probably as suggested by Kevin B, ie ex or current bureaucrats who have set up their own limited companies (IR35??)
£135k at Ann Summers would have been a bit of an extravagence!

Jul 21, 2009 at 8:50 AM | Unregistered CommenterSimon F

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