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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Environmentalists trashing the environment (Part 94)

I haven't posted anything on this meme for a while, but Picking Losers has a jaw-dropping article on carbon capture. Our green friends are now proposing to ship liquefied carbon dioxide around the world in search of somewhere to store it.

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Reader Comments (7)

Sell the Carbon Dioxide to Pepsi & Coca Cola, who use it all the time. These Greens are so ***king stupid, they'll think the tumbrils are hay wains and they will fight one another to get on board for a romantic ride a la Constable. Mention that there will be lots of hemp available and they will be even more ecstatic, right up to the moment they see the hempen ropes on the gallows.
Apr 20, 2009 at 1:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterPerry
This is just par for the course, IMO. I haven't seen the recent film The Age of Stupid (and probably won't see it any time soon, as it appears to be a pile of alarmist piffle) but I think it has a good title. This is an age when the EPA in the US has declared the very substance we exhale (and which plants require to survive) a dangerous pollutant. This is an age when global temperatures have flatlined for a long time and dipped in recent years but when almost every day brings another dire headline in the media about catastrophic warming. This is an age when our dear government plans to inflict futile and crippling carbon taxes on us all, promotes ineffective wind energy, drags its feet on effective coal and nuclear energy and panders to a shrill minority of fanatics. Yes, the film's title is apt. We live in an Age of Green Stupid.
Apr 21, 2009 at 12:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlex Cull
Well, they think that all the CO2 we are producing is actually slowly putting out the sun, hence the decreased solar activity. So if that's the case, they'll have to capture as much CO2 as they can and ship it as far away from the sun as possible, to the North and South poles.

And of course as the poles melt (a bit slower if they can keep the CO2 away from the sun) the poles will become more hospitable and all the greenies can go and live there.

Apparently it's great for wind chimes and wind turbines.
Apr 22, 2009 at 4:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterAyrdale
More loony AGW nonsense here, aided and abetted as ever by an uncritical BBC:

I just wish they'd ask him what the economic cost of all the extra taxes and prohibitions will be when it turns out that CO2 is harmless...
Apr 27, 2009 at 9:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames P
This whole subject reminds me of some great satire from the Anglo- Irish grump Jonathon Swift, it would be a lifetimes work for him to define the scientists of today. But I suspect it would amount to the same conclusion to depict them as having the desire to show us their justicication of researching the finding of Sunlight from cucumbers, and failing that that there is always the option to have their 'rational' opinion on what end of a boiled egg is best to open first ;)
May 2, 2009 at 11:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterSteve2

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