Bishop Hill

Could I be a terrorist?

There's an interesting article at the American site, Freedom Politics. It seems that in the state of Missouri at least, libertarians are seen as potential terrorists. There's a list of "red flags" that law enforcement officials should be on the look-out for. They're all based on the American situation, but translated into a UK context they are as follows:
- Support for minor parties like the Libertarians and UKIP
- Talk of “New World Order” conspiracy theories
- Opposition to the Bank of England and support of the gold standard
- Opposition to Army involvement in national security
- Opposition to the EU
- Opposition to universal military service
- Tax resistance
- Possession of subversive literature: “pictures, cartoons, bumper stickers that contain anti-government rhetoric. Most of this material will depict the HR Revenue and Customs, ACPO, HSE, UN, Police and EU in a derogatory manner.”
I don't know about you, but I would sign up to the majority of these. I wonder if I'm on a terrorist watch list somewhere?
Reader Comments (17)
I wouldn't sign up for the New World Order conspiracy theory. I always reckon you can explain all of these things by the natural tendency of bureaucracies to expand. No need to invoke conspiracies.
But, I have tended to assume that when I lose patience with the current ruling rabble, I would bring the Army briefly into National Security. You see, I would ask the Royal Engineers to knock me up a gibbet hosting about 20-30 people, in Parliament Square, then borrow a platoon of Paras or Marines to hang the government. The rest of the Battalion would ensure no interference from anyone while the executions were in progress.
They could also keep the crowd back so everyone has an excellent view of the proceedings.
Not to worry. The police and pseudoplods have misread the directive and are busy disposing of the UK's tourist problem. They are watching two thousand of them, I believe.
BTW, what DID happen to Tractor Stats?
So maybe they won't come for me until after they've got you?
Or maybe it'll be the other way around?
Entirely seriously now; I would not expect to be under suspicion as a terrorist but I would be surprised if I hadn't been logged somewhere as a diisident,especially since I started commenting under my real name when I was a bit more naive than now; and it's too late to stop now.Phone calls, internet activity and movements in and out are already monitored, you know.
Many governments in the world regard their own population as the enemy.
The UK government might not have reached that stage yet but has clearly reached the preliminary stage of regarding us all as potential suspects.
Making the assumption that the government distrusts, dislikes and suspects us goes a long way to explaining their actions in the area of civil liberties.
It is very frustrating to me that so many of my friends and acquaintances don't seem to care.
That makes me worry that all is lost, and I don't know where I can retire in freedom.
If I knew, I'd tell you. New Zealand? Switzerland? Chile?