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The Copenhagen jolly

Reader Andrew K has helpfully provided a searchable list of the thousands of NGOs attending Copenhagen, including links to their websites. I feel certain that "Women in Europe for a Common Future" just had to attend, and the meeting could simply could not go ahead without someone from the Lincoln Theological Fund.

Download it here.


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Reader Comments (4)

Without spending a second on research, I predict that Women in Europe... is a fake charity funded entirely by the EU to tell the Commission what they want to hear.

Dec 9, 2009 at 12:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterJeff Wood

You appear to be correct Jeff. Though the last year for which figures are available seems to be 2007.
Reading between the lines, the vast majority of the funding comes from DG Environment.

Dec 9, 2009 at 1:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndrew K

The Women's International League for Peace and freedom is also in Copenhagen. I hope somebody looks after them. The poor dears seem a bit confused. They've recently joined a campaign called Don't Nuke The Climate, which they think is opposed to using 'nuclear weapons as solutions to global warming'. They also think that tsunamis are caused by climate change (yes, I know that some studies have posited a tiny linkage between warmer oceans and earthquake frequency: trust me, they're not talking about that) and that the main relevance of deforestation to climate change is that a changing climate will kill forests and that this will 'harm women differently and disproportionately than men, as women’s livelihoods and social roles rely directly on forest resources to meet the nutritional, health and cultural needs of their families and communities.' They seem to be unaware of deforestation's massive contribution to climate change.

They are in Copenhagen because policy on climate change is insufficiently gendered. The solution? Why 'gender mainstreaming', of course. (Ah, mainstreaming! Where would all these 'civil society' organizations be without it?) In plain English, WILPF wants to be given observer status at UNFCCC to add to its mainstreamed presence at ECOSOC, FAO, ILO, UNCTAD, UNESCO and UNICEF. That way, there'll always be on hand to make sure that nuclear weapons are never used against deforestation, tsunamis and other climate nasties.

Dec 9, 2009 at 4:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterVinny Burgoo

Al Gore and Bill Clinton were put into the highest government office of the USA by the words - ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID.
Maybe Al Gore needs to be told - ITS THE HEAT SOURCE STUPID

Dec 10, 2009 at 1:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterJ

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