Bishop Hill

Bolt on Wigley

Andrew Bolt dissects some of Tom Wigley's recent pronouncements on Climategate. The warmist web becomes ever more tangled...
[Update - you really have to read Andrew's article, it's bloomin' marvellous]
Reader Comments (8)
A decent barrister/court room advocate would destroy Tom Wigley in front of a jury/committee, and the Team know it.
I have been saying for quite a while that these guys are more incompetent than people realize. Either Wigley is just stupid, or he thinks everyone else is stupid. What kind of a fool thinks that responses like these will be effective?
Straight as a die, Wigley.
Someone should dig up that old cartoon in which a wife surprises her husband in flagrante and he says, "This is not what it looks like."
This was Wigley's only chance to show honesty and integrity. But he blew it. The team has to stick together. If he'd shown honesty. it would have been blown wide open and all hell would have broken loose in the rest of the team.
So ... let's say someone has hacked a bunch of emails dating back several years and you know that several of those are from you. Can anyone here imagine not immediately going online and searching the "stolen" emails for all instances of your name to find out what people know about you? It's certainly what I'd do.
If not ... now imagine you know you're going to be interviewed about controversial subjects in those emails. Now can you imagine not making sure you know what you did and didn't say in those mails?
Just doesn't ring true, does it?
I believe the reference to the wife surprising her husband is from a Groucho Marx film. Groucho, in bed with another woman says:
"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
In the Greenhouse Conspiracy video, Wigley already "choked" at the bad science of the IPCC at 31:10, and best of all at how funding perverts conclusions (43:50).
I more and more think Wigley, according to the climategate emails and the video, is a inherently decent man, but without enough fortitude to resist peer pressure & corruption. What a waste !
And as always, Schneider is himself, a disgusting lyer, eg when confronted to his past global cooling claims.
One more detail, the video was in... 1990 !