Bishop Hill

Mann on BBC radio

A commenter alerts me to the fact that Michael Mann will be interviewed on the World Tonight on BBC Radio 4 tonight. There is no confirmation of this on the show's webpage, but it airs at 10pm.
Update on Dec 3, 2009 by
Bishop Hill

Reader Comments (6)
They also discussed the CRU leak obliquely on The Moral Maze tonight on BBC Radio 4. I don't have an iPlayer link because it's down for maintenance at the moment.
Meanwhile, the editors of Nature are going for broke.
Well, the Radio 4 World Tonight segment was quite an eye opener I thought. Far more balanced than any other BBC output I've seen. Michael Mann did not come over very well, and I thought he seemed to be distancing himself from Phil Jones at a rate of knots. He basically said that the emails were a poor show, and wrong, but it was nothing to do with him, and no he didn't act on Phils invitation to delete data. (He was nowhere near when it happened :) )The other parts of the segment were a bit woolier, but more or less saying science was neither infallible nor the sole repository of truth, and debate was essential. There was a little too much of the 'heavy weight of evidence' (for AGW) but the long and the short of it was that the Climate establishment had been very naughty, and that the investigation and debate must be had.
I guess he had to go over there and "contain the putative controversy." I'm sure the trip was scheduled far in advance and is unrelated in any way to the leaked emails.
Now available on the iPlayer:
scan forward to 18 minutes and 30 seconds.
Lustig doesn't let him off the hook and, yes, very defensive and aiming to put a *lot* of distance between himself and Phil Jones.
Here's the link to last nights Moral Maze on the BBC. They discuss science, morality and make references to the CRU.