Bishop Hill

Payday for Pachauri (redux)

Richard North has done it again, identifying a whole new source of income for everyone's favourite railway engineer, IPCC boss, Rajendra Pachauri. This man could teach even British MPs a thing or two about troughing.
Reader Comments (4)
The more we read that stuff, the more it looks like the Keystone Cops
The typical pattern is get government money, purport to study some aspect of climate change, announce alarm and repeat. It give the "scientists" a nice life style. They don't have to do real work. They get a nice salary. And they can use tax payer money to fly first class, eat at fancy restaurants, and attend conferences with their buddies in vacation spots.
Is he any good at running railways though? If so, we might be able to use him in the UK. We would probably have to promise him MP-standard expenses though.
He has demonstrated a skill in railroading the AGW Express, don't you think?