Bishop Hill

The Pachauri Nexus

I did say so didn't I? Once Richard North has a hold on your ankles he will not let go. Rajendra Pachauri is just starting to realise this.
US readers, for instance, might be intrigued to learn that their tax dollars take a four-way hit. There US government agencies pay into Pachauri's pot, the US Agency for International Development, the US Department of Energy and US Environment Protection Agency and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, a US Department of Energy National Laboratory, also pays a contribution.
Lots more where that came from, and lots more to come too, I fancy.
Reader Comments (10)
I believe we have the makings of an apprehended kleptocracy here.
Maybe, just maybe we shall wake up to the awful totality of this scam. OK, go after the flawed science but always go after the money (Deep throat). Cui bono (the Romans). More power to your elbow Richard. We can only hope it spreads.
Some impartial public servant!
It a shame that the climate protestors in Copenhagen cannot see/understand that they are being conned by big business and self interest.
Bishop Hill,
great fan of your blog. In case you haven't noticed, Richard Black has lost it big time with his latest post on his BBC blog. I think it may have repercussions. Maybe the Copenhagen talks are getting to him.
The conflicts of interest, nepotism and ulterior motives in the whole climate scam are starting to unravel and it is going to get ugly
Let it be clear that any Indians involved in Pachauri's NGO are in it purely for themselves: they do not represent the Indian government, nor its population.
India does not need another headache in the form of CO2 quota: it has enough real problems as it is. It wants to expand its economy and in the process will produce more CO2 (and also H2O vapor, another greenhouse gas!!!)
P.S.: Is it true that more CO2 makes tropical vegetation grow faster?
I just want my light bulbs back
How many light bulbs does it take to make a climate change?
Just check this site. The open letter to Pachauri is dated today and the wording is rather strong, asking for the removal of the scoundrel from office.
"How many light bulbs does it take to make a climate change? "
Only one, but it has to want to change...
(Old trick cyclist joke - sorry.)