Bishop Hill

Some more climate scandals

Doug Keenan is an independent scholar who has some amazing stories to tell of civil servants flouting freedom of information laws in order to withhold climate data. There is also the story of his fraud accusation against one of Phil Jones' sidekicks.
Climategate is just the tip of the iceberg.
Reader Comments (6)
What we need is some good old-fashioned leaks from the Civil Service in advance of a regime-change.
Hi Bish,
Have you seen ClimateGate on this YouTube video
Which Napoleon was it who suspected a plot amongst his courtiers and sent anonymous notes around them saying:
"All is known, Flee!"
At which they all fled?
I wonder what it would take to get the weak links in the AGW industry to start singing for their skins?
About ice, I have a theory about the prevalance of the one thousand year hockey stick graphs. I believe i discovered why modelings appear as hockeysticks, why the proxy people push to emulate the shape, and why ridding of the mwp and lit. ice age is important, but more so the straightest shaft possible. Because there is an actual temperature proxy they little talk about, but is at the center of their belief system. Yes, there is a real hockey stick, a 1kyHS, the 2ky works too. Would your blog be appropriate? It is not noisy here, i like it and the there are nice discussions.
Just thought I'd share this from the a review on the Telegraph site of Nigel Lawson's 'Appeal to Reason':
Lord Lawson then notes that the IPCC predicts that, at this level of temperature rise, global food production will actually increase. He takes the IPCC's gloomiest prediction of the economic effects of global warming over the same period. By its own figures, the difference between what would happen with global warming and without it amounts to this: in a hundred years' time, people in the developed world would be "only 2.6 times better off than they are today, instead of 2.7 times, and their contemporaries in the developing world would be "only" 8.5 times as well off as people in the developing world are today, instead of 9.5 times better off".