Bishop Hill

By the way...

...the UK ceased to be an independent country today. In case you hadn't noticed.
(Thought I ought to write a "not-Climategate" post today)
Click images for more details
A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
...the UK ceased to be an independent country today. In case you hadn't noticed.
(Thought I ought to write a "not-Climategate" post today)
Reader Comments (4)
It really is a shame. I would pledge to never obey any law or regulation which stems from the European Parliament if it wasn't impossible to figure out what comes from where in the intra-governmental bureucratic mess. There is a rather large movement against the European Union brewing, hasn't reached the mainstream though. I think that they key to getting sovereignty back is going to be to make the national governments refuse to pay for more than they get back - and the whole redistribution scheme falls flat.
I've already heard politicians say that we (in my case Sweden) pay too much to the European Union because we do not get enough influence. This debate is likely to pick up the coming years.
Time to start a cross-european anti-government movement, maybe.
A scientific, behind-the-scenes documentary/nature program:
Surely a must read.
Britain has been invaded again. One big happy socialist EU now.
So, we will have to learn how to speak Flemish?