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Still not straight with us

Steve McIntyre notes that in their online confession to what they did in the "Nature" trick, CRU still snipped off a bit of the curve so it didn't look as bad as it might have done.

How do these people sleep at night?


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Reader Comments (10)

"How do these people sleep at night?"

Those commissioned to "save the planet" have fewer sleep demons than we mortals.

Nov 29, 2009 at 6:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterRJ

Your Ecclesiastical Eminence, in these times of strife a great evil, stealthily perpetuated on the masses, and long suspected by a growing band of sceptics, has finally been revealed.

In the days of the reformation, the ruling classes sought to hide the message of benevolence by banning the Word to all but the ruling priestly classes and spread lies and claims of infallibility by rendering their interpretation of the message, hidden to all but a select few.

The spread of communication and openness were ultimately victorious but only after great strife as the vested powers fought to retain their priviledges by clamping down on freedom glossing over the revelations and attempting to perpetuate their lies.

Today also we are faced with this momentous battle against a terrible untruth which harms many for the benefit of a few.

Your Eminence, the media all but blanks out the lies revealed in the email messages and the interpretation of them is left to the very persons who stand exposed to deceit. The scientific journals and associations of science have been infiltrated and corrupted and are now controlled by this evil cabal. The battle is thus left to the lowly citizens of the blogosphere, who with their pitchforks must storm the impregnable fortress of the Bastille.

I appeal to you that you, as in the past, use your gifts of lucidness and clarity to expose their lies for all to see, even those who are confused by the language of the deceivers.

There are media blackouts, complete silence by large sections of the press, even Google is censoring their search engine and Wikipedia gives the Realclimate version of “hiding the decline” and has locked further editing.

They do say “This page is currently protected from editing until disputes have been resolved.
This protection is not an endorsement of the current version. See the protection policy and protection log for more details. Please discuss any changes on the talk page; you may use the {{editprotected}} template to ask an administrator to make the edit if it is supported by consensus. You may also request that this page be unprotected.”

So I ask you to do a piece on “hiding the decline”. This has confused many in the sceptic camp, who view this as the deceivers hiding a decline in present temperatures instead of showing an actual rise.
This misinterpretation is being used by the deceivers to cover up their actual deceit.

As I understand it “hiding the decline” refers to hiding an inconvenient decline of temperatures when using proxy tree data to “reconstruct” temperatures of the past 1,000 years. This reconstruction shows the temperatures declining in the past 50 odd years instead of increasing as in the instrumental records. Rather than throw out the whole reconstruction as dubious, the deceivers graft on the past 50 years from the instrumental records onto the reconstruction, something that they know is bad science and something that they expressly said they have never done.

So “hiding the decline” actually refers to a methodology whereby they use a spurious reconstruction to “get rid of” or hide the Medieval Warm Period, which inconveniently shows global warming, as of today, occurring quite naturally.

Also most importantly, contrary to the claim in RealClimate that “hiding the decline” was merely a “poor choice of words” and the hiding was done “in plain sight”, actual heinous deceit and cover-up was indulged in.

Please use your powers and the cohorts of your parish to storm the Bastille of the Wikipedia “Climatic_Research_Unit_e-mail_hacking_incident”

Sincerely - Richard

Nov 29, 2009 at 7:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterRichard

"How do these people sleep at night?"
Given that we still don't know the motivation of the whistleblower, you might also ask "With whom do these people sleep at night?" But I suppose that my lord Bishop would rather not make such an enquiry himself.

Nov 29, 2009 at 7:32 PM | Unregistered Commenterdearieme

"How do these people sleep at night?"

Upside down in a belfry.

Nov 29, 2009 at 7:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterPops

Apologies for the off topic comment: It has just occurred to me - the (likely) leak from CRU comes not long after the Government's egregious Act On CO2 advert campaign started. That could have been just too ludicrous for the assumed insider to keep schtum over.

Nov 29, 2009 at 8:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterGareth

See here:

Its amazing

Nov 29, 2009 at 8:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterRichard

I would suggest that these days very few of them are sleeping at night. And when they do sleep, they probably have climategate nightmares.

Nov 29, 2009 at 8:57 PM | Unregistered Commentertheduke

I doubt the care enough to worry.

Not trying to high jack this post, but I completed a reasonable analysis of some of the CRU data graphs and, in my opinion, they show there as been little to no significant warming.

Wish I had real data instead of eyeballing PDF charts. Comments welcomed at my site.

Nov 29, 2009 at 9:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterAJStrta

very very interesting last-minute appointment!

Tass: Medvedev appoints (Alexander) Bedritsky as advisor for climate changes
Bedritsky will be responsible for formulating and promoting Russia's
negotiating position on climate changes in international multilateral
formats, including the G-8 and G-20 formats and will act on behalf of the
Russian president in climate change meetings in multipartite formats.
First of all, Bedritsky as a presidential advisor will draft Russia's
negotiating position at an upcoming Copenhagen Conference on Climate
In 2003 he was elected as president of the World Meteorology Organisation
and was reelected for the second term of four years in 2007.

11 April: Science News: Bracing for global climate change is a local
By Michel Jarraud (secretary-general of the U.N. World Meteorological
Organization in Geneva.)
Weather and climate extremes have been affecting people around the world,
from recent droughts in China and Australia to strong storms in Asia to a
cold wave in large parts of Europe and the United States - all within a
month of the World Meteorological Organization reporting 2008 would likely
rank among the 10 warmest years on record. The cold wave sparked significant
discussion, and the year 2008 ended up slightly colder than the previous
year, partially because of the La Nina phenomenon...
For scientists the answer is clear enough, as the examples mentioned are the
result of natural climate variability, which does not contradict the
human-induced long-term warming trend. This trend is reported in the Fourth
Assessment Report of the United Nations WMO and Environment Programme
cosponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007
Nobel Peace Prize...

Nov 29, 2009 at 9:46 PM | Unregistered Commenterpat

"How do these people sleep at night?"


Nov 30, 2009 at 11:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterChris S

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