Bishop Hill

Zorita wants Mann, Jones and Rahmstorf banned

Another climatologist has called for prominent colleagues to be banned from the IPCC process. Eduardo Zorita, who appears to have been another victim of the Hockey Team's machinations, has made a statement on his website. Why does he want them banned?
..because the scientific assessments in which they may take part are not credible anymore
Reader Comments (10)
A very reasoned, reasonable and balanced appraisal.
I can`t for the life of me figure how mann actually had the cheek to publish another paper on his bullshit data, nor why none of the so called scientists have not been arrested and prosecuted.
Thank you for your courage.
We're all looking at this - and are outraged - on the basis of traditional, normal science. But some science (especially climate science) has been hijacked by a new definition of science, 'post-normal' science. If we don't understand this, we will never understand what has been motivating these guys. I was astonished when I researched this. It's a neo-Marxist attempt to redefine the role of science. I compiled a post about this that you might find illuminating - especially as it quotes extensively from Mike Hulme, Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA, in Norwich, UK, and contributor to the IPCC, also involved in the CRU emails. Hulme clearly defines climate science and the IPCC as 'post-normal', and so not subject to truth claims in the normal way.
Hulme is pretty heavily implicated in the emails.
"Bullshit data" - if you make it up, it isn't data. Data is what we measure; the rest: opinion. It's a sad indictment of modern science that models seem to trump observed fact.
I would propose to include Schellnhuber, also PIK!
Most certainly Schellnhuber, and his Greenpeace scientists, Bill Hare and Malte Meinshausen. For more detail on these two, check here: The Greenpeace Institute for Climate Change at Potsdam, Bill Hare has been on the advisory board at Tyndall since it started in 2000 and was Greenpeace Climate Campaign Director from 1998 until recently. He has been embedded at PIK since 2002 and is an IPCC Lead Author and SPM author.
I thought that banning people was one of the crimes committed only by Phil Jones.
Ok the, how about SUSPEND...PERMANENTLY!