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Basher for Liberty news 14

The debate

Labour has reversed the burden of proof for some cases. This can lead innocent parties to potential ruin.

Anonymous witnesses at the de Menezes inquiry.

Jill Saward, the rape victim who is opposing DD in the by-election on a pro-CCTV and DNA database ticket writes in the Guardian. The reception is not exactly welcoming. David T, writing at Harry's Place, makes the case for the authoritarian left. He reckons he'd vote for Saward and says a DNA database is a minor infringement of privacy. UK Liberty blog and Longrider take the opposite view.

Mick Fealty writing at the Telegraph is a Davis fan.

Dizzy Thinks that monitoring of abnormal behaviour at railway stations is a can of worms.

Our liberties are in a mess. Anthony Barnett reckons he knows what to do.

Apparently there were nine arrests of NO2ID protestors in Edinburgh. There may be film of what went on which may open a whole new can of worms.

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