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Turgid bilge

The lady in charge of education in the NumptocracyTM, Fiona Hyslop, is trumpeting her latest endless outpouring of pointless waffle in a press release posted on the Numptocracy Webpage.

Parents have a crucial role to play in supporting children's learning and the successful implementation of Curriculum for Excellence, Cabinet Secretary for Education Fiona Hyslop said today. 

I've written before about the refusal of my children's school to allow parents to see the curriculum that's being taught, so Ms Hyslop's turgid meanderings ring pretty hollow in these 'ere parts. Having refused me, the school informed the school council (that's the board of governors to you) that a summary of the curriculum would be prepared and released to parents. This was just after Christmas. Now, they have "changed their minds" and we are told to wait until the new term starts in the autumn.

And if you believe that you'll believe anything.

So if you'll excuse me, Ms Hyslop, I think you're not actually telling the truth. I think you don't want parents playing any role in their children's education at all. 

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Reader Comments (9)

On the previous refusal, the FoI guidance in England seems to indicate that they should not be able to withhold the info.

Follow the "Guidance" link.

I think they are talking b*ll*cks, but I can't help you for Scotland (try Me E?).

Good luck.
Jun 9, 2008 at 11:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterMatt Wardman
I haven't gone FoI yet - I see this as a bit of a nuclear option, and as several people have pointed out to me, it's quite possible the school could try to get their own back via my children. I will try to get there by persuasion first, but if all else fails, FoI it is.
Jun 10, 2008 at 12:27 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill
Our daughters have now both graduated. During their schooling we were told in no uncertain terms to mind our own business as regards the curriculum.

School information was minimal.

It turned out the best advice we were ever given. We encouraged our daughters to question the teachers directly which they did from an early age.. Our duaghters are self confident and made their own decisions on subjects and further education.

Don't be so precious!

Jun 11, 2008 at 12:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterGraeme mcCormick
Why is it being precious to want to know what it is the children are being taught? Should I just show complete disinterest?
Jun 11, 2008 at 4:32 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill
You have a legal obligation to ensure that your children are educated appropriately for their age, ability, and aptitude. Your school's headmaster, in obstructing you from fulfilling your legal obligations, is well offside. Maybe a solicitor's letter would do the job.
Jun 12, 2008 at 9:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterMarcusAurelius
I don't get it. Isn't the national curriculum public knowledge? Surely it must be somewhere on a government website, or am I missing something?
Jun 12, 2008 at 10:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlfonzo
Bish, really! It's basic Doublespeak:

<i>Parents have a crucial role to play in supporting children's learning and the successful implementation of Curriculum for Excellence</i>

Between the lines: <i>parents can help the gummint achieve their dumbing-down targets best by butting out of education</a>.

Jun 12, 2008 at 11:31 AM | Unregistered CommenterMark Wadsworth
Having now bothered to read the original post, I now realise that you are talking about the primary curriculum in scotland, which is obviosuly a different kettle of fish to the secondary one in england, which is the one I'm familiar with. In that case, I find it a bit odd that it's such a secret. But surely you could arrange an informal chat with a teacher there to find out what history they're teaching... no? Or look through your kids books. If there isn't any history in the books, then I guess you might be on to something.

Incidently, I rememeber doing loads of history at primary school, but it was all quite early stuff like the Normans, Vikings, Saxons, Romans etc. and nothing from the most recent 400 years, which is surely more relevent and more interesting, debatably.
Jun 12, 2008 at 3:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterAlfonzo

We don't get to see the kids' books. As far as I can tell history so far has been Mary Queen of Scots. That's in three years.
Jun 12, 2008 at 5:08 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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