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Basher for Liberty news 13

The debate

The Libertarian Party blog tells us that the EU is shortly to start passing our details on to the authorities in the USA, including credit card transactions, internet browsing habits and travel histories. I wasn't aware that the authorities had access to these details in the first place.

An interview between an American lefty called Jane Hamsher and US Libertarian party presidential candidate Bob Barr. Some discussion of the parallels between the UK situation and the US from about ten minutes in.

Clampdowns on peaceful dissent continue apace. Three members of NO2ID were arrested "on suspicion of breaching the peace" as the protested outside the alleged consultation on the ID card scheme in Edinburgh.

Anthony Barnett writes about DD and freedom at Comment is Free.  Meanwhile Martin Kettle says the state has interests which are not necessarily compatible with freedom, but that it's still "a necessary good".  This is what is known as "woolly liberalism", IMHO.

Tittle tattle

Sky have apparently cancelled a planned debate between DD and a member of the government because of fears that broadcasting rules would mean that equal time would have to be given to the 24 other candidates standing in H&H. This sounds like an opportunity for some enterprising person to do a webcast. In the same article it is reported that Gordon Brown says that David Cameron has ample opportunity to discuss civil liberties at PMQs. David Davis has shot back though.

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Reader Comments (2)

The last hyper link in your posting ("David Davis has shot back though') just re-directs the reader back to your own home page.
Jun 30, 2008 at 10:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndrew
Fixed now.
Jul 1, 2008 at 6:27 AM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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