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Basher for Liberty news 11

The campaign

Basher launched his manifesto which includes a list of ten civil liberties we need to restore.

The debate

Nicholas Watt interviews DD in the Guardian. Davis reveals that he was on an IRA hit list, which makes his demands for civil liberties despite the treat of terrorism all the more convincing.

David Pannick QC points out that Jack Straw is talking nonsense when he says that there is a balance to be struck between the right to confront one's accusers and witness protection.

Spy Blog wonders if the arrest of journalist Tony Gosling was a "fishing trip" by police.

Has a Belfast blogger been arrested for criticising public figures?

The English Democrats, campaigning in Henley, were told to remove their St George's cross flags.

Sparring partners

The libertarian right looks to be putting a candidate up.  Former Tory MP and Freedom Association member Walter Sweeney is being tipped to put his name forward.

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