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Basher for Liberty news 9

The debate

Jan Morris says that Britain is losing its will to be free. A must-read. 

A commenter on the same thread says this of people who are denigrating Davis because he supports the death penalty:

David Davis supports the death penalty so its ok to give away whats left of our civil liberties and ignore his message.Shrewd

Conor Ryan, who is apparently a former Blair adviser, makes the case for CCTV cameras. One of his commenters puts him right.

The ASI looks at retrospective legislation.

When the government is found to have breached a fundamental liberty, it rushes to make the practice legal. Tim Worstall discusses.

Alice Miles chooses freedom, even though she's standing in dog poo.

Curly's Corner discusses restrictions on photographers.

DD answers readers questions in the Coffee House.

Sparring partners

The English Democrats are going to put up a candidate in Haltemprice & Howden, as are the Socialist Equality Party.

The campaign

DD says he's raised £40,000 from small donors. Nick Anstead wonders just how small these donors actually are.

Lee Griffin makes a call to action.

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