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Basher for Liberty news 7

The debate

The Local Government Association has urged a review of councils' surveillance powers, amid fears that their overzealous use might cause the public to string up councillors from the nearest CCTV mast become alienated. James Forsyth reckons we should chalk this up as a victory for the Davis campaign.

Punk goes liberty. Guido points us to a punk band called Billy Ruffian who have penned a ditty in support of the Davis campaign. There's a video at Guido's.

I think that maybe I've been taking pills,
'cos David Davis is acting like John Stuart Mills,
And in taking on Brown, Dacre and Murdoch,
The establishment are in a difficult spot.

"I'm making out my political will,
By opposing the anti-terrorism bill,
But the government wish to rid us of Habeas Corpus,
So if you believe in freedom you'll have to support us."

The most unlikely civil liberties defender of all
What about Magna Carta? Did she die in vain?

The Basher Blog has been updated - and several times no less. He seems to be getting the hang of it now.  As well as this, DD wrote a piece for CommentIsFree about local council surveillance.

As others see us

American commentator Glenn Greenwald has been following the Davis story from across the water. In a second comment here, he compares American legislators unfavourably to DD.

Old Media

The Independent has a question and answer session with Davis, and the Spectator has lined up readers questions for him too.

The Guardian says that Cameron is hinting at a return to frontline politics for DD.

The Evening Standard says that Davis stopped two other MPs from resigning alongside him. One was a Tory and one Labour. (What, no Liberal Democrats?)

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