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Basher for Liberty news 4

The campaign

DD was on Question Time - video here. He was somewhat out-liberaled by UKIP's Nigel Farage who demanded to know how DD could support 28 days if he believed in habeas corpus. The liberal left needs to explain why it is that, among elected representatives, it's only the (allegedly) frothing-at-the-mouth right wing extremists who are making the case for civil liberties.

Jonathan Isaby wonders about the rule demanding equal media coverage for the three main parties during elections - what is to be done when two of them aren't standing?

Smears and innuendo

Harriet Harman said that Shami Chakrabarti shouldn't have supported David Davis, so Andy Burnham was quite justified in discussing her private conversations. Presumably she thinks that Liberty should be campaigning for indefinite detention without charge. Guido reckons DD is getting his own back by telling Gordon Brown to "come out" and argue his case. Yes, stop mincing around Gordon!

Meanwhile  Anthony Barnett thinks the BBC despise Davis and what he is trying to do.

Cheering him on

Tribune describes a strong body of "stealth" support for the Davis campaign among Labour MPs.

Sparring partners

Ex-LibDem spin doctor, Olly Kendall, reckons Greg Dyke should run against Davis. 

The debate

Home Office minister, Meg Hillier, says "we'll get to love ID cards".  Commenters say they feel sick.

DD has now got round to updating his blog (2 posts per week - that's almost as bad as me!), with an explanation of why 28 is OK but 42 isn't. I think I preferred the argument he had with Farage. Unity wonders about why Labour and Conservative won't tell us what their plans for a Bill of Rights are before we elect them.


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Reader Comments (2)

Did Nigel Farage explain on Question Time why the one UKIP MP voted with the Government to extend detention to 42 days?
Jun 21, 2008 at 10:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

A good point.
Jun 21, 2008 at 10:44 AM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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