Basher for Liberty news 2

The resignation
DD handed in his resignation and called on Gordon Brown to put up a candidate. Gordon kept his head down. (He always does that doesn't he?)
The campaign
An unofficial supporters blog called 4 David Davis 4 Freedom was launched. The by-election has been confirmed for 11th July.
Madman Basher
Rachel North documents the continuing retreat of the mainstream media from its earlier "Davis is a madman" meme, with even the Sun now speaking up in favour of civil liberties. Another history of the MSM's retreat is provided by media wonk Martin Moore.
Sparring partners
A fruit and veg trader from DD's constituency and a beauty queen are going to run in the by-election, but Labour confirmed that they will not put up a candidate. DD described the Prime Minister as "gutless". (Update: Liberal Conspiracy reckons the New Statesman is going to put up a "more liberal than thou" candidate.
The debate
The Adam Smith Institute is running a series of postings on the liberties we've lost - like the assumption of innocence and double jeopardy.
Guy Aitchison, writing at Our Kingdom, says that Basher must also examine the Conservatives' record on civil liberties, a demand that one can hardly call unjustified.
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