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Ambassadors ain't what they used to be


According to my researches on the interweb, the young lady in the photo above is called Divya Dwivedi.

Further research reveals that Divya Dwivedi was appointed by Ken Livingstone to be London's representative in Delhi! Strewth! I imagine the good people of Delhi will be pretty pleased with that particular appointment! Certainly, from the pic above, the ambassador's cocktail parties look like a lot of fun.

Says Ms Dwivedi of her appointment:

This is an exciting new challenge for me and I keenly look forward to representing the Mayor of London’s Office in India. I am firmly convinced about the opportunity that lies ahead of me to function as a keystone in bridging opportunities between London and India. In this position, I hope to successfully promote brand London and develop a mutually beneficial relationship between India and London.

Mutually beneficial relationships appear to be a speciality for Ms D. And she certainly seems to have "got into the swing" of her new job, as we learn from this article that she's going to be appearing naked in a Hollywood movie, something that will presumably create "lots of bridging opportunities". One can only applaud her dedication to the job.

Do you know, I suddenly realise why Boris and the Conservatives have made a U-turn on doing away with the London "embassies". 

Here's another photo of Ms D, this time with Ken himself. She looks kind of different in this picture...




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