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The story behind the BBC's 28gate scandal
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Ever-decreasing circles

Someone called Philip Inman is gracing the pages of Comment is Free, where he sets out his ideas for how to deal with the pensions timebomb.

You'd think that a simple recognition that the problem has been caused by Gordon Brown taxing people too heavily and spending the proceeds on bureaucrats and dole queues and generally throwing money to the four winds would be enough to lead a relatively intelligent person to the correct conclusions. Namely that we should stop throwing money to the four winds and stop taxing people so heavily.

Alas, Mr Inman is no such person. His solution:

The only hope lies in educating all workers about how poor their retirement will be and how they can push their employer and the government to provide more and on a more equal basis.

Yes folks, the answer to a problem caused by high taxes is more taxes.


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