Whose logo is this?

It's your local nursery isn't it?
So whose logo is it really? Well actually, it's the new logo for the Department for Children, Schools and Families.
Is this meant to be reassuring? Have you ever been inside a nursery school? It's a great place to be if you're under the age of five. There's lots of yelling and screaming and chucking of drinks and wiping of bottoms and mewling and puking and running round like nutters. But no decisiveness or cerebration or anything like that.
So doesn't this logo conjure up completely the wrong mental images?
Oh, and the logo cost a cool £5k. Cheap by government standards, but I reckon you could have got it done by Logoworks for a couple of hundred. Still, better twenty times too expensive than the usual hundred or so times.
Reader Comments (1)
So, just your average Government department, then